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Slingshot Braves – Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats

While everyone else seems to be trying to make their own Flappy Bird and White Tile ripoffs, here comes Slingshot Braves, reaching deep into the iOS/Android history books to use Angry Birds mechanics in an extremely innovative manner. Console quality graphics and an interesting story provide the frosting, but the battle system is the cake here. Read on for the top 10 tips and tricks for Slingshot Braves!

10) Know the best ways to use all five of the weapon types.
Your weapons are lances, blades, hammers, gloves and staffs. Lances slice right through enemies, while blades cause you to do sweep damage and rebound off of them. Hammers will do a wide area damage, but you’ll stop after you hit an enemy. Gloves work like blades except that you’ll hit every enemy twice. Staffs do a wide sweeping area damage, even moreso than the hammer.

9) String long combos together to do more damage to an enemy.
Each hit that you add to a combo will do more and more bonus combo damage to an enemy. If you string together a long enough combination attack, you’ll often end up doing more damage with the combo damage alone than with the base damage. Glove type weapons are especially good for this, with the two-hits-per-enemy advantage.

8) Make indefinite combos with chain combos.
To pull off a chain combo, bounce off of your teammate at some point during the attack. You’ll continue their combo, allowing you to add to it indefinitely, thus doing massive amounts of damage when you attack. Even if you bounce off of your teammate but you don’t hit any enemies, you’ll still keep the combo attack going.

7) Find as many friends as possible for the chance to earn more and more free prizes.
Friends automatically send each other all kinds of free prizes, from upgrade materials to new equipment, and even gems if you’re lucky. Go to the friends menu armed with invite codes (find them all over Facebook, this article’s comments page, the App Store and other locations), add people, and watch prizes pile up.

6) Use Game Center’s achievements page for some help in earning free gems.
Even though many of the quests will be hidden, many of them will also be shown before you complete them. Read the achievements and complete them, and you will earn prizes consisting of free gems, as well as other goodies.

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