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Blackmoor – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Blackmoor is a new parody side-scrolling action RPG for the iPhone and iPad. This game parodies everything from Street Fighter II to Wanderers from Ys, with a cast of six zany characters, each with very different fighting styles. Read on for some tips and tricks for Blackmoor!

Each character has different attack characteristics, so try each one to see which one you prefer and which one you play better with. For example, the privateer is a smaller target and launches faster attacks. The brave is bigger and slower but has a longer range and more attack power. Which weapon you equip makes a difference too.

Normally, you’re going to want to equip the weapon with the longest range in order to make it easier to hit enemies that are further away. However, for the purpose of boss battles, equip your privateer with a glove-type of weapon to make it easy to launch huge combos. Hold the down button and hit A and he’ll do a sweep kick in rapid-fire mode, allowing him to hit an enemy multiple times in very short succession.

Want to earn a whole bunch of coins? If you are stuck on a stage and want to grind or you just want to try to save up for new characters, go back to old stages – especially long ones with lots of enemies – and play them over and over for more coins. You’ll load up on experience points this way, too, allowing you to strengthen your character greatly.

Save your super move until you’re in a tough spot, either with a boss character or with loads of enemies on screen at once, so that you can land a massive combo and then knock them all out. If you want to wait for it to recharge to use it again, stand in place in the middle of a stage and let it recharge. Do the same thing with your A+B attack.

When boosting skills, attack and defense are self explanatory. However, speed and luck are a bit harder to quantify. Increase your speed to move faster and jump faster and higher, and to recharge skills faster. Increase luck to increase your chances of finding better treasure as well as landing critical hits.