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Rival Knights – Top 20 Tips, Glitches, Cheats and Tricks, Page 3

10) Participate in the events as often as possible.
The events are one of your best ways to earn more gemstones, more gold coins, and rare equipment. Pick one event, and participate in it as much as you can. You will earn huge rewards both for participation and for performance. If possible, squeeze the second event in too, but only if you are playing Rival Knights a LOT.

9) Make as many Facebook friends who play the game as possible.
Connect to the game and add them to your alliance. If you don’t have any friends who play the game, then find them in the comments page on this and other articles about the game on this site, or on the App Store, or on Facebook fan pages for the game. You and your friends can send both royal seals and social seals back and forth, allowing for far more play of both game modes.

8) More ways to earn trumpets in the event modes
Your main way of earning trumpets is, of course, beating other knights. If a knight is marked for revenge, you’ll earn five extra trumpets for beating them. If you beat them in attack, defense, and speed (all three), you’ll earn five trumpets for a shutdown bonus. You’ll also earn one trumpet for every victory that each of your three teammates (if you have picked three of them) have racked up.

7) Use a glitch to earn loads of coins from the “medal challenge” mode.
If you lose the medal challenge, you will still earn coins. You will lose a royal seal, but when you hit “rematch” instead of going back to the map screen, you will always play again even if you have no royal seals left. As long as you don’t go to the map screen, you can take advantage of this glitch for as long as you want.

6) Line up multiple upgrades at the same time.
You can line up four upgrades at the same time, as long as one is a lance, one of them is a suit of armor, one of them is a horse and one of them is a helmet. Line them up one after the other, and when one ends, the next one will begin. You can play while you are doing this.

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