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Angry Birds Epic – Tips and Cheats: The Ultimate Strategy Guide

Angry Birds Epic is a new RPG for the iOS, Android and Windows Phone platforms featuring everyone’s favorite birds and pigs. Your goal is to quest from stage to stage, defeating a nearly endless army of pigs, rescuing birds, earning treasure, and unlocking loads of tv, comics and other goodies. Read on for some tips and tricks for Angry Birds Epic!

Experience points take forever to earn, especially on stages that you have already beaten before; however, each time that you gain an experience level, every single one of your birds will receive a boost in both health and attack power. There is no lives/energy limiter in this game, so you can battle as many times as you want, as quickly as you want, in order to earn energy.

The other way is to get more equipment. To do this, you’ll need to unlock various shops, which can only be done by getting through stages until you unlock specific weapons, helmets and/or shields. Weapons will increase your attack power, shields will increase your health and helmets will change your attacks and your alternate moves. Each of them will also have a different buff, such as effects on you or the enemy.

Want to use the anvil to craft something but you don’t have the materials? Look at what materials you need, then go back through old stages to see which ones have a needed material as the “featured item”. Then play them, spin the wheel and get the item. Repeat as needed.

Always have enough banana potions and other items on you for when you need to beat a tough stage. This especially goes for certain replayed stages, which are FAR tougher than the first time you played them. Do the same thing as above – hunt for test tubes, water and bananas, then use them on crafting banana juice and load up.

In battles, your best strategy will usually be to focus on knocking off one single pig at a time. First, use the alternate moves for your birds so that you can increase your defense, get healed, attack, and whatever else. Then focus on killing one pig. Also, if you have the yellow bird equipped with the Lightning Bird hat, and you need healing, use the Lightning Fast move on the Cleric to make her attack once, then make her attack again. When she attacks everybody gets healed, so this will double the healing for free.