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Summoners War: Sky Arena: How to get rare (three, four, five and six star) monsters, page 1

There are a ton of collectible monsters in Summoners War: Sky Arena. One and two star monsters are by far the most common, but unfortunately, they are also the weakest out of all of them. Three stars is when they really start getting good, but four and five star monsters, which are extremely rare, are also extremely powerful. Six star monsters are ridiculously powerful, and almost impossible to get. Read on for some tips on how to find all of them in Summoner Wars: Sky Arena!

Three star monsters are fairly easy to find. They often pop up whenever you use the Unknown Scroll in the summoning area, although this is fairly rare. In addition, different dungeons also have different three-stars that can be found randomly, though more frequently on hard or hell modes. Tap “drop info” to check a dungeon’s particular drop.

Mystical scrolls and mystical summons can earn you three, four, and five star monsters. Mystical scrolls are very rare, and can only be found from quests, from the Goddess’ wishing well, and randomly, from package purchase deals or events. Sometimes, though, they can even be found in a special dungeon, depending on where you look. Mystical summons cost you 75 crystals. You can even buy mystical scrolls inside of the glory store.

Check the events pages, too, so that you can know what limited edition quests are going on. These will often provide you with rare monsters as a reward – the rarest of the rare if you’re one of the winners of the events. Any one of these events is limited edition, though, so participate quickly and to a high degree to maximize the chances of getting good prizes.

Evolution can turn a monster into a version of itself with one more rarity point. A two star monster evolves into a three star, a three star into a four star, a four star into a five star, and a five star into a six star. Evolving a five star monster into a six star monster is the ONLY way to get a six star monster, currently (fusion may allow that later, and six stars may also pop up in events).

Watch out for an update to this game in the App Store. Right now, the Fusion Hexagram is not available for purchase in the store. When it does become available, it will allow you to fuse monsters in order to get different, rarer monsters. The rarer the monsters that you use as material, the rarer of a monster you have a chance to obtain.

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