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PlunderNauts – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

PlunderNauts is a new outerspace based ship battling game for the iPhone and iPad. In this game you’re goal is to crusader from planet to planet, knocking off all kinds of rival fleets and pirate gangs, while securing the planet and looting whatever treasure they have. Read on for some tips and tricks for PlunderNauts!

Enemy spaceships take a while to destroy, and in the process of attacking them, they’re likely to get in a number of attacks on you, and if you don’t watch out, they might blow up your ship first. Hit and run strategies are the best way to win. Charge toward an enemy and past them, shooting them with all of your turrets along the way.

Each gunbattle that you engage in will take one energy away from your reactor, and if your reactor empties out, normally, you will have to wait for it to recharge before you can battle again, unless you want to spend antimatter on more energy. If you want to get more energy for free, though, go to the date and time settings on your phone and set the time ahead. Half an hour should be enough time to regain all of your energy.

Save your antimatter instead for upgrades, especially to your spaceship. The most valuable purchase that you can make with your antimatter is new spaceships. However, if you do not have the antimatter for a purchase, go to the Forge instead, and find a combination that works with your current spaceship. This will upgrade it and cause its statistics and possibly its level to increase.

You can put just about anything into the forge machine and find a combination. You will know that a combination is good to go if all three of the elements that you placed inside the machine stay lit up. You can get very strong weapons this way; however, don’t forge your upgraded weapons together a second time or the result will often be, surprisingly enough, a weaker weapon.

If you need to get even bigger upgrades, wait until the shop refreshes and then go check out the new items that the shop has to offer. Keep doing this until you find better equipment, weapons, materials, and other goods that will actually be of use to you.

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