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Dragon Tactics – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Dragon Tactics is a new puzzle RPG for the iOS platform. The gameplay doesn’t stray far from the standard Puzzle & Dragons formula, but the 3D graphics are a revolution for the genre, matching the quality of FPS games and other, more graphically intensive genres. Read on for some tips and tricks for Dragon Tactics!

You have five different elements for each one of your monsters. Water beats fire, fire beats plant, and plant beats water. Also, light beats dark, and dark beats light. In general, your team should contain a good mix of all of the above monsters so that you can match up fairly evenly against any team that you play, and so that you’re never stuck without enough gems to actually do some damage.

Try to keep some good strong backup monsters, though, because if you get stuck on a dungeon and you need an elemental advantage, you’ll want to swap them in. Or, go back through old dungeons and grind through them again so that you can earn common monsters in battle, and so that you can make more friends. The more friends (and stronger friends) you have, the stronger the leader cards you can use in battle as helpers, and the more social points you will earn.

Use enhancement and you can sacrifice the common monsters in order to power up the uncommon monsters (or really, any monster you want). Use evolution and you will be able to upgrade the star rating of a specific monster, in exchange for using various material cards. Your target monster will also need to be max leveled.

If you need to find more material cards, your best bet is to go to the limited time dungeons and beat them. You have a chance at capturing monsters after every battle, but for the super rare evolution materials your best bet is the limited edition rounds. Plus, you’ll have a better shot at finding super rare monsters here.

In battle you can put together as long or as many combinations as you want. Strategically dragging a gem around allows you to use six-piece attacks (higher damage version of the 5-piece splash attacks), with the jewels knocked out, the merrier. Make specific gem combinations to knock out multiple combos in one shot and you will get a damage multiplier depending on how long of a combo chain that you can make.