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Kim Kardashian – Hollywood: How to get more cash and stars (K-Coins)

Kim Kardashian – Hollywood is Glu Mobile’s latest celebrity simulator, and this time you have Kim Kardashian guiding you on how to become an A-lister. You have two forms of currency in this game. Cash is the main currency, and are used to buy most of what you need, while stars (the K-coins/koins/etc to the right of the bucks counter) are the premium currency. Read on for some tips and tricks on how to get more stars and cash in Kim Kardashian – Hollywood!

Your main way of getting more cash is to complete the various assignments given to you (modeling, acting, etc). Every action that you complete gives you more cash. Make sure to start each assignment with the maximum possible energy in order to load up on as much cash as possible (and to get a five-star score, while you’re at it).

Go back to the stores (So Chic, Kardash Miami, etc) every so often to work a full shift. This is one of your easiest ways to earn cash, because you will get paid a lot for doing each action (more than the assignments will), and you’ll earn a bonus at the end of the round. Work a longer shift to earn a bigger bonus – four hour shifts are far more lucrative than one hour shifts.

Complete the quests and achievements in order to earn bonus cash. Go to the check mark icon to see the main missions and quests, and then tab over to the next screen to see what achievements are available to complete. Missions will generally earn you more bonuses than the achievements will, though, so stick to the quests and the stores.

One method of earning more stars is to gain experience levels. You’ll gain one free star for every level that you gain. Also, many of the achievements and quests will earn you free stars as a reward for completing them.

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