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Empire Z – Resource Guide: How to get more resources

Empire Z has five primary types of resources: wood, food, metal, oil and coins. All five of these always seem to be in chronically short supply, yet without them, your construction will completely stall, your troop training will grind to a halt, and you’re stuck waiting around for your city to generate more. Read on for a full resource guide for Empire Z!

The obvious way to get more resources is to load up your city with more resource-producing buildings. Farms will produce food, Lumber Mills will produce wood, Oil Derricks will produce oil, and Mines will produce metal. Load up all of your agricultural spots (outside of the main city center) and upgrade them to increase your hourly gains. Build and upgrade your houses to earn more coins per hour.

Send your troops out to earn resources for you. Occupy farms, oil derricks, lumber mills, mines, and silver mines out in the world map and let your characters stay there for as long as they need to in order to get the full raid benefits. Each spot has a limited amount of resources, so send your troops over and over again until the resources are gone, and then find new spots.

Always be sure to check the missions to see what prizes you have earned, and what you need to do to earn other prizes. All five resources can be earned through them. Typically, the tougher the missions (or the more time consuming, in the case of the daily missions and the alliance missions), the more resources you’ll earn as a reward for completing said missions.

Make use of the research lab and your skill points that you gain from leveling up your player. Plant whisperer increases your farming efficiency, oil baron increases your metal efficiency, heavy metal increases your metal efficiency, coin minting increases the amount of coins per hour you’ll earn from every house, and lumberjack increases the speed at which you acquire wood.

Join an alliance, so that you will be able to send each other resources. The bigger and more powerful the alliance, the better. They can also help you to speed up the construction on anything you build, which, of course, allows for much faster upgrades for your resource producing buildings. You will need to have an airport in order to send stuff back and forth.

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