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Arcane Battles – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Arcane Battles is a new match-three puzzle RPG for the iPhone and iPad platforms. As far as this genre of games goes, it looks fairly generic, but the gameplay is extremely difficult and the frustration can lead to this game being extremely addicting, due to the “almost made it!” effect that happens on so many hard stages. Read on for some tips and tricks for Arcane Battles!

You have four different main icons that appear in the battle. Shields charge up your armor (the grey bar on the bottom), which causes you to take less damage. Blue potions charge up your skill (or if none of your characters has a skill, they do nothing). Red potions restore your hit points. Coins will (obviously) earn you coins, and swords will attack. Additional tiles pop up during boss battles sometimes, too – for example, green potions will damage you if you match them.

To gain an edge on the next battle, first, knock out all but one of the enemies on the screen. Then, start knocking out all of the shields, coins and potions until you fill almost the whole screen with swords. Use as few of the swords as possible to finish the battle. The next battle will begin with the same shapes on the board. Now at the beginning of the next battle, use all of the leftover swords to deal a huge amount of damage.

Fill your party with the rarest characters that you can, even if they are at a lower experience level than your common characters because of just acquiring them. Go back through old battles (if you need to) in order to gain experience points and increase your statistics. Come to think of it, this is an excellent thing to do any time that you are stuck in a battle.

Whenever you get three of the same troop, evolve them in the army menu to enhance their stats and their rarity and to send them back down to level 1. Not only will their stats boost, but because they are at level one, they will have a very easy time gaining levels for awhile, leading to rapid stat boosts.

Go to the rare, limited edition dungeons as often as possible for the best shot at earning the best prizes and the rarest troops. Make sure to upgrade your already-existing troops to the highest degree possible, though, because they tend to be far mroe difficult to beat as opposed to the standard dungeons, and they use more energy, making it suck more if you lose.