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Soul Guardians: Age of Midgard – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Soul Guardians: Age of Midgard is a new MMORPG by ZQGame, the same company responsible for Pocket Knights and Dragon Crown. This new one plays much like a cross between Maple Story and Dragon Bane Elite, with dungeon raids, arena fights, a surprising card collecting element to the game, and all sorts of other goodies. Read on for some tips and tricks for Soul Guardians: Age of Midgard!

The card collecting element comes in when it comes to your specialty attacks. You can equip up to five cards at a time. Two of them will give you a special attack each, and one of them will give you a Soul Arts. As you gain levels, the other two will contribute special attacks, as well. All five of them, of course, will alter the statistics of your character, so be sure to equip your cards wisely.

There are three main ways to enhance your cards. One of them is to use the regular enhance feature. Once a card’s level is maxed out, you can evolve it by merging it with an identical card, or fuse it with two other cards of the same rarity for a completely different card of one rarity higher. Once you do those last two, your next enhancements will provide MASSIVE level boosts because their levels will be back down to 1 right after the evolution/fusion.

The longer that you hold the Soul Arts button, the more the attack will go and the more your soul bar will drop. When using it against a boss character, aim it right and then hold the button until the soul points actually run out completely. Use it to completely maul a boss early on, then use your other attacks to finish the boss off, which should happen extremely quickly. Use enhance to level the Soul Arts card if you want to make boss fights even easier.

When in the arena against other players, play some hit-and-run guerrilla tricks on them. Don’t let them aim their Soul Arts at you; at the same time, do literally anything you can in order to avoid having the rival team outgun or outfight you.

If you are on Facebook or Game Center, you have multiple ways of finding people who play so that you can add them as your friend and get special bonuses. For Facebook especially, use the App Store review pages to figure out posted their info for everyone, and use Facebook groups for the game to find people who want to be added.