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No One Dies – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

No One Dies is the claimed original in the “multiple endless runners at the same time” genre that has turned into the latest clone war on the iPhone and iPad (because apparently everybody’s over 2048 now). Where this differs from all of the other options is that not only do you have single player play, but you have online play as well, including play with local players via the phone’s GPS function. Read on for some tips and tricks for No One Dies!

The classic mode has four difficulty levels. Normal mode is rather easy as you only have to worry about two runners at a time. Nightmare mode is a little bit more difficult as you have three at a time. Hell mode is almost impossible for most people to focus on as it has four runners at a time. Inferno… forget about it. 5 runners at a time. Make sure to take any screen protectors off of your phone to tap as accurately as possible on any of these stages.

If you want to cheat without hacking the game, find a friend or two or three and start one of the harder modes. Then play and have each one of you control one specific screen at a time. This will make it extremely easy to score high scores, and because barely anybody in the Game Center area has anything resembling a good time in Hell or Inferno, you’ll own the charts.

If you want to hack the game, find a good hex editor to use such as iExplorer or File Explorer, and go look around inside the game’s files (from the PC, not from the phone itself). Change the hex codes until you find one that either makes the jumps so that you can run through them or deletes the jumps altogether. Or change the high score factor.

If you’re playing the legit way, then play as long as you can until you start getting frustrated and adrenaline-bombed and your runs start to suck. Then take a break from the game for awhile until all of the frustration is gone. When you come back to it, your muscle memory will take over and your time will be far longer than before, usually.

For online play, even if you don’t enable location services in the game, you can still play against random people in Game Center. Remember with this mode that you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to go farther than the person you are playing against.