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Tribal Rivals (فزعة) The Ultimate Tips, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Tribal Rivals, known in Arabic as فزعة, is a new MMO strategy battle game by Lumba Inc for the iOS platform. You play as a small Bedouin tribe whose encampment is under attack by a group of bandits known as the Black Army, and your goal is to fight back against them, as well as to wage war against other players and their tribes. Read on for some tips and tricks for فزعة (Tribal Rivals)!

Water and gold are your two resources in this game. Right from the beginning, start maximizing your Water Wells and your Treasuries, both in quantity and in upgrade level, and continue upgrading your Water Jug and your Gold Chest, and building more of them as you upgrade your Diwan. Gold is mainly used to construct more buildings, while water is mainly used to train more troops.

Pearls are the premium currency of the game. They can be used to speed up construction, but save them up so that you can buy more carpenters, which makes it easy to upgrade your base a whole lot more quickly. Earning pearls is easy. Clear out bushes, trees, and rocks, and you’ll have a shot at earning pearls from them. Over time, they come back, so keep clearing them out. Achievements will earn you free pearls as well.

Walls are at a premium, so surround your most important buildings (resource buildings and the Diwal) with walls. The “pocket” strategy is the one that builds you the toughest base later on – meaning that you make a pocket for each building using walls, so each building is surrounded by a honeycomb of walls. Place your buildings close together and your defenses within range of as many buildings as possible.

Mercenaries, archers, Saluki and giants are the cornerstone of your attack. Train them in equal numbers (with regards to housing spaces), send in the giants first to distract defenses, then the archers to attack from afar. Then send in the Saluki to raid resources, and finally, send in the mercenaries for a brute force attack. This strategy will work against all but the most powerful bases.

As you get further into the game, change up your strategy. Riflemen don’t have much health but they can do catastrophic damage. Upgrade your training ground to level 10 as quickly as possible, though, as a herd of raging camels can make short work of literally any base that you come across.