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WWE SuperCard – Top 15 Tips, Cheats and Hints

WWE SuperCard is a new card battling RPG featuring all of your favorite WWE wrestlers from generations past and present. Your goal is to put together your best team of wrestlers, face off in exhibition matches against the decks of other players, then enter the King of the Ring mode and become the champion. Read on for the top 15 tips and tricks for WWE SuperCard!

15) Play in the exhibition matches in order to win more cards.
You can play in the exhibitions as many times as you want, because there is no “energy” limiter for them. When you lose a match, you earn one card, and when you win a match, you will win two cards instead. The more exhibitions you play, the faster you’ll grow your card list.

14) Play against players with small win-loss records for the easiest wins.
It doesn’t matter what their winning percentage is, just that the actual amount of games played is low, because then that means they will typically have a deck full of common cards, and none of their cards will have been trained or combined yet. That means they will be extremely easy to defeat.

13) Combine and train your cards to make the most powerful deck.
Combining allows you to merge two identical wrestlers of identical rarities into one card, and can only be done once per card. Training allows you to sacrifice as many non-identical cards as you want in order to improve a wrestler by increasing their experience points. Use this to get rid of your unwanted cards and to power up your favorites.

12) Enhance a card to its maximum (or near maximum) experience level before combining it.
That way, not only will you have the biggest stat boost from the combining itself, but you’ll have the highest base stats, because they carry over from your old card (with an added boost) yet your card level drops back down to 1, making for fast and easy level ups and for sky-high maximum statistics.

11) Power up your diva card first.
Diva cards are extremely important because an uncommon or rare diva is far more difficult to find than any superstars, so most players will be making do with a common one. Train and combine yours to increase her statistics sky-high and that’s essentially an instant win for any diva match that you end up playing.

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