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Star Wars: Commander – Attack Guide – How to destroy other players’ bases and steal their resources, page 2

Use your troops wisely. Whether you are empire or rebel alliance, you will have a general troop types in your barracks. You will have the standard infantry type, followed by the gun turret targeter, followed by the loot thief, the wall destroyer, the healer, the heavy machine gunner, the sniper, and finally the rocket launcher user which causes splash damage. Empire troops are weaker than rebel troops, but Empire players have the benefit of extra unit transports earlier on.

Vehicle types are generally divided into the following. You have vehicles with equal all around statistics, ones with heavy armor, ones with extremely heavy fire power, and vehicles that have a very high speed. Used vehicle wisely in conjunction with your infantry troops, or go after more advanced enemies with major attack using nothing but vehicles.

Generally when you attack another player, your best bet is to go after the gun turrets first. If you don’t, you leave yourself open to your troops getting shot before they even finish the attack. Before that, if your enemy has a strong walls, use your wall breakers to clear a path first. After that, then start targeting other buildings, especially resources in headquarters.

If you find somebody with a shield a generator, send in some troops to drop fire and clear a path first, then sending that your hero to take out the shield generator. After that, commence with the rest of your attack.

Once you unlock the starship command, you will be able to use airstrikes for even faster and greater amounts of damage. Your best bet with the airstrikes is to you either take out the guns or take out resource buildings. Or, if you are really trying hard to go for metals, unleash your air stripes on the enemy headquarters first so that it is very easy to take out.

Don’t attack until you find somebody with enough resources and we can have a defense to make it worth it. Keep hitting the next button until you find the right person to attack. Also, watch replays whenever somebody attacks you. If somebody absolutely destroys you, it is suggested to copy their battle strategies and use them against other players.

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