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Kings of the Realm – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Kings of the Realm is a new MMORTS for iOS and Android by Kabam, maker of most of the smash-hit games of this genre. You’re the leader of a realm who has been exiled from their home kingdom, and your goal is to make it back – ostensibly, at least. Your real goal is to fight against some, ally with others, and attempt to become the king of the realm (hence the name). Read on for some tips and tricks for King of the Realm!

Unlike many other MMORTS’, your kingdom is divided up into districts, with four dedicated to specific resource (the lumber district, food district, the ore district and the stone district), the keep dedicated to storing resources and troops, and then the civic district for city management. When you want to increase your resources, look for empty spaces to build on within the districts.

Upgrade each structure to accomplish the same thing, too. There’s a way to speed up all of your building upgrades, and all of your new buildings, as well. Anything that has less than five minutes to go, can be sped up for free. Anything that takes more than five minutes will cost gold to speed up – or you can just wait until it hits the five minute mark and it will become free!

The main point of having a lot of commanders in this game is defense moreso than offense. You can only send one commander on a raid at a time, or you can send multiple commanders on multiple raids (but not on the same raids). Before you do, though, scout whoever you’re going to attack to see which commander you should send in (one should be assigned to archers, one to infantry, one to cavalry, one to monsters, etc). This makes it easy to send the most advantageous troops in for one specific kingdom or another.

The castle has five different flanks, with room for one commander each. If you have less than five commanders, assign them based on which resources are the most important. And in the city itself, make sure to upgrade your walls in all five of your main districts because each wall only protects its own district.

Try to always keep your recruiters, reseaarchers and your builder working all at the same time so that you can make rapid upgrades happen in your city. Always check back to collect resources (hit the shovel and sickle icon in the right side of the screen to collect all of them at once to make it easy).