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Etherlords – How to get Uncommon, Rare, Superior and Legendary heroes

Etherlords is a psuedo-card battling RPG for the iOS platform, probably soon to hit Android as well considering how insanely popular it has become. In this game your creatures are grouped by rarity. Common creatures are the greatest in number, but obviously they are the least powerful. Uncommon are more powerful and more rare but still common. Rare are fairly hard to find and are quite strong. Superior and Legendary creatures are few and VERY far between, and are far far superior to whatever else is out there. Read on to find out how to get more uncommon, rare, superior and legendary creatures!

Uncommon creatures can be found in all of the same ways that common ones can, just in a lower number. When you complete quests you will usually get a few creatures as a bonus. There’s generally about a 1 in 10 chance of earning an uncommon creature, as opposed to a common one, so check your list of characters to see the rarity (denoted by a letter in the upper right corner of the card).

Whenever you use matter to build something quest related, such as a lake or a glade, you’ll earn a bonus creature for that, too.
There is about an observed 1 in 100 chance of earning a rare creature this same way, for non-event missions. However, the chances tend to increase the further along into the game you go. As far as earning legendary and superior creatures from non-event quests, it’s VERY uncommon for this to happen.

You can purchase booster packs in the store for some good cards. A silver booster gives you either uncommon, rare or superior cards, and each booster where you don’t earn a superior card, will give you a better and better chance of earning a superior. A valiant booster will earn you either an uncommon, a rare, a superior, or a legendary, and each subsequent purchase will have a higher chance at earning you a legendary.

The premium valiant booster and the premium silver booster both do the same thing. They earn either a rare, superior, or legendary one, and each subsequent purchase gives you a better chance at a legendary. The golden booster does the same thing as the two premium boosters. The premium golden booster earns either a rare, a superior or a legendary with the highest possible chance at earning a legendary creature.

Play in the limited time event dungeons for the best chance at earning limited edition rare, superior and legendary creatures. To get to them, go to the main map screen and hit the icon in the lower left corner to see what the current event dungeons are. Get all the way through and beat the boss character or put the right structures together for a good chance at this creature.

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