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Etherlords – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 5

Finish the quests in as few moves as possible. The more leftover moves that you have at the end, the bigger the bonuses that you get, such as more ether and more creatures to join your party at the end. In that way, it’s almost like Candy Crush with the leftover moves and the bonuses that you get from them. Finish a 30-tile world building round in 10 tiles to earn a huge amount of bonuses, for example.

Add friends on Facebook to earn all kinds of good bonuses. One friend earns you 1,000 ether, while three friends will earn you 40 Crystals of Wrath. 5 friends will earn you 20 Runes of Birth.10 friends will earn you one Silver Booster. 15 friends will earn you 11,000 Ether. Finally, 20,000 friends will earn you one Golden Premium Booster.

Your characters can earn certain buffs (world crystals) after beating a boss battle. Example: Ether Weapon II, which restores 32 hit points every time a character attacks someone. If you find a buff that you like, go to the same boss over and over and farm it, then use that buff on every single one of the creatures in your current active party until they all have it.

Anytime that, for whatever reason, you want to switch missions, just go to the button that looks like mountains in order to do so, but be aware that when you switch missions your progress will all be lost. Better to simply wait until you are done with the current mission to do so.

However, for the event missions it can depend. If you are not at least 5 levels stronger than the creatures on the first few levels that you face, quit the mission. Event missions are downright infamous for having extremely hard bosses at the end, far more disproportionately difficult than the regular missions have. Don’t let yourself get caught by surprise.

Don’t purchase the Rune of Birth too many times in one day. The more you purchase them, the more expensive they will get until the price resets. Let your current stock run out first (they go into effect automatically and remain in effect for a certain amount of time or until you beat the world that you are on).

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