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Etherlords: Top 25 Cheats, Tips, Hacks, Tricks and Strategies, Page 2

20) Pay attention to how big the glade, lake or forest has to be.
If you don’t build it as big as the quest says to, then you’ll not get credit for it. Each time you place a new piece to a glade, forest or lake (whichever portion is bigger in the piece that you put down), a number will pop up which shows how many tiles it takes up (a tile can be partially this and still count as 1).

19) Complete the quests in as few moves as possible.
Sound like a Candy Crush tip? Well, believe it or not it works almost the same way here. The quicker you complete the worlds fusion puzzle of the moment, the more bonuses you’ll earn after you do. Bonuses usually include more creatures found in the lands.

18) Shuffle through your matter as often as you need to to get the right tiles.
Don’t just put down unnecessary tiles and waste moves. Spend matter to reshuffle tiles as needed. You can battle for more matter, earning 7 matter per battle, as many times as you want to allowing you infinite reshuffles as long as you are willing to put in the battle effort.

17) Use fusion to power up your creatures.
Fusion allows you to sacrifice between one and four “feeder cards” in order to power up a creature. This works by increasing a creature’s experience level. When a creature hits 100% experience, the bar resets and the experience level goes up by one increasing the stats. You can only carry 30 cards at a time maximum and this number can’t be increased, so use fusion to get rid of old cards and power up your active cards. Fusion costs a small amount of ether in order to pull off.

16) Ways to fuse more efficiently and effectively
To maximize the experience per card given, use race-matched feeder cards for your beneficiary card and it will gain double the experience points compared to mismatched cards. Use an identical card for 4x the experience points. Save fusion for only your rarest and most powerful cards with the most potential.

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