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Amazing Battle Creatures – How to get high ranking creatures, page 2

Each time that your battle party increases in rank, a brand-new mystery box will open up for purchase in the in game store. This box will usually cost a fairly small amount of coins relative to the monsters that are available inside, so if you are going to purchase a monster from the store, this box is recommended.

Play the PVP rounds as often as possible, and win as often as possible in order to earn battle points. The more battle points you have, the higher the rewards that you will earn at the end of the tournament.The more overall battle points that you have, the better your prize will be.

In addition, the more battle points that you earn, the higher your overall rank relative to other players in the tournament will be. You will earn rewards based on the rank as well. Your win loss record has little to nothing to do with how good your rewards are; All that matters is the overall number of wins, regardless of how many losses.

A longer winning streak can make for big prizes though. Become as powerful as possible and then lose in the tournament in order to reset your competitors to a lower power level. From there, build up your winning streak as high as you can, because the longer the streak the better the reward you will earn.

Look for special deals to pop up every so often in the store. When they do pop up they won’t be around for long, but typically they will provide rarer monster then you will usually get for a lower price than you would usually pay. Save your coins until you see these rare deals.

Keep an eye out for special events too. These events, just like the special deals, are limited time affairs, except in this case you have the chance to play for free rewards. What the event entails depends entirely upon what the developer wants to add into the game.

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