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FIFA 2015 Ultimate Team (iOS/Android) Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide, Page 2

You will earn the same amount of money no matter how long of a half you choose in the options menu, so obviously, the way to earn more money faster is to play a shorter half. However, you’ll earn more money if you play at a higher difficulty level. There is a multiplier for difficulty, ranging from 50% for beginner to 100% for world-class. Experiment to figure out which difficulty mode makes you the most money.

When using the casual controls, it appears that you have a lot less control than you do in the classic mode, but all that you have to do to change that is to figure out how to use the swipe commands. For example, you can use arced swipes to change the type of pass or kick that you do – I.E. lob pass, or finesse kick. Through passes are also picked automatically rather than by having their own button.

Plus, you can still manage your whole team in general. To change their orientation from attack to defense, swipe with two fingers toward or away from the other team’s goal. Swipe to attack as soon as you get the ball, and swipe towards defense as soon as the other team gets the ball. Or pick balanced mode if you want to minimize the required amount of swiping.

One thing that you can do in classic control mode that is hard to figure out in casual mode is to call the help of a specific teammate with a down swipe when you hit the press and tackle button. In casual mode, teammates will help automatically if they are nearby. In casual, tap the player who has the ball (the opposing player).Also in classic mode, if you want to use the press and tackle and sprint at the same time you have to hit both at the same time and hold them.

When you are putting a player up for auction, make sure that you check the market prices before you decide what to set their price at. If you believe their market price is too low, one trick is to start bidding for all of the underpriced versions of that same player and buy them up on the cheap. Then since you essentially will corner the market, jack up the prices and try to sell them.

Whenever you don’t have the time to play or want to earn coins while doing something else, go play in the Quick Simulation mode rather than playing a match. A game will be played automatically, and you will earn all of the rewards.

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