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Galaxy Fleet Wars – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Galaxy Fleet Wars is a new strategy RPG for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to quest from stage to stage, fighting your way through the galaxy and the various warlords who are in it, and to collect resources such as Ti Ore, Credit, Crystals and Fuel. Read on for some tips and tricks for Galaxy Fleet Wars!

The stages start off pretty easy and then get more difficult as they go, so after they get difficult, there are some ways to work past ones that you initially can’t beat. First off, go to the last stage that you were able to beat and grind it. You can earn more resources here but more importantly, you can increase the player experience level as well as the levels of the generals in your crew.

Go to your resource areas as often as possible and hit auto-upgrade as often as you can. You can do up to sixteen auto upgrades at a time, and they’ll not only increase your hourly resource gains rapidly, they’ll also increase the maximum resources that you are able to hold. Getting new ranks at the base increases your hourly gain of all resources, but not the maximum that you’re able to hold.

The more levels you gain, the rarer the equipment that pops up when you refresh the shop. White equipment is the most common. Blue is the second most common, with green being medium tier. Following that, orange is the second rarest tier and red is the rarest tier. The same thing rings true for generals as well.

Go to the tavern often to look for rare generals to recruit. If you find a rarer one, spend the money to recruit it, and fire any general that gets in the way of you equipping it. Before you let a general go, though, take away all of their equipment so that you can reuse it on another general. You can always go back and recruit them again later on whenever you want to.

The game has been having some severe connection problems since it was released. If you are patient, then go ahead and wait for an update to be released to the app store. Otherwise, simply delete and then reinstall the game, or if notifications are turned off, then go to your settings and turn on notifications for the game.