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Bitcoin Billionaire – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, and Cheats, Page 4

5) How to get an extra 5% coin bonus on top of all the other ones
If you want to get another permanent coin bonus, go to the store area and then go to the Room tab. You can pay 50 Hyperbits, or two days worth of free ones, in order to adopt a cat. Not only does the cat get along perfectly with your dog, but that triggers the earning of a coin bonus that lasts forever until you reset the game.

4) Supercharge your earnings with some Hyperbits.
Go to the Supercharge tab and you can spend hyperbits and real life money for some good bonuses. You can double coin earning or daily Hyperbit unboxing forever with 5 dollars each, or get a gigantic tap speed or investment bonus for 15 Hyperbits each. The Autominer is decent, and auto taps 10x a second when you hold your finger down on the screen, for two dollars.

3) Or, take the more direct route.
You can go to the store and exchange your hyperbits directly for bitcoins. The total that you can earn this way changes depending on what level your investments and bitminer are at, or else this option would be pretty much worthless.

2) Complete the tasks.
A simple tip yet an effective one. Race through the tasks as quickly as possible because for each one you complete, you will earn a good sizeable coin bonus or a hyperbit bonus. Prizes range from coin blasts to tap speed boosters here, just as in other areas where you can earn all kinds of bonuses.

1) If you’re really bored, read the news.
Tap on the FizzPow button in the upper left hand corner of the screen and all of the news that scrolls by in the marquee will pop up on screen. You can scroll through from one story to the other. Typically, this stuff is worth reading as it’s hilarious and it’s updated regularly to parody actual real-life news.

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