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Call of Duty Heroes – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Call of Duty Heroes is the first dedicated mobile entry in the CoD franchise. Unlike the entire rest of the franchise, which consists of first person shooters, this one is a Clashalike, but there are quite a few familiar heroes from the rest of the franchise. Read on for some tips and tricks for Call of Duty Heroes!

As with most games of this type, there are three kinds of resources that you can collect, with the two main ones being gold and oil. Celenium is the third one. The best way to spend celenium is to save it up until you have enough for another builder, then purchase one; this will speed up your base massively.

An easy way to get free Celenium is to unlock the achievements, which there are currently 20 of with far more coming; while they might not seem like they give a whole lot, they do add up over time. Get rid of the trees, rocks and other garbage around the base, as well, for a chance at free celenium.

Max out your deployment yards, and increase their upgrade level, in order to increase the total number of troops that you can unleash at a time. Use the Ballistics lab to upgrade your human troops, so that every one of them that you train is stronger. While big machines and aircraft are fun, upgrading troops will become the key as you get more advanced in PvP. Try earning Reputation Points in large numbers with crappy troops and you’ll see what I mean.

Surround your base with barriers in order to make it much tougher to penetrate, but if you run out, then use them mainly to block off more important buildings. Examples include the command center (of course), and your gold and oil storages and collectors. If you want to farm effectively, stick your command center outside of your base for easy command center snipes from other players, to throw you into shield mode.

Starting about a month or so after the writing of this article, look for people who abandon their bases. These make for incredibly easy farming targets. You can tell who they are because their bases will start to overgrow with trees. These will make easy farming targets as all of their gold, diamonds and oil will be in their collectors, not in their storages.