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Food Battle: The Game – How to get more rare ingredients, weapons and clothes

Food Battle: The Game is the Smosh game that was financed via IndieGogo, and has now become one of the top most downloaded games on the iOS platform. This one approximates the puzzle-solving and the battling aspects of Zelda quite well, making for a sometimes-difficult game. There are ingredients that you can collect, which are separated into Common, Rare, Special, Super, Mega and Smosh. Clothes and weapons can be racked up and acquired as well – read on to find out how to get more of all three of these!

To get more ingredients for free on any stage, look for the gold-lined treasure chests. The regular wooden chests will almost always contain nothing but coins, but the gold chests will always contain new ingredients. Rare ones pop up less commonly than common ones obviously, but the ingredients will be different every time, so keep trying your hand for the rare and coveted ingredients (super, mega, smosh).

The stages which contain the most rare ingredients are the boss levels, even when you have already beaten them and have gotten every single star on them. You can always go back and beat the bosses, as usually there are somewhere between 4 and 6 gold boxes at the end of the level, so play these over and over again for some rare ingredients and a ton of common ones as well. The higher the stage number is, the more rare ingredients it will likely have.

Go to the store inside of the Teleporting Fat Kid’s house and you can buy various boxes. Depending on whether you spend less or more crystals you can get the Special Box, the Super Box, the Super Special Box or the Smoshtastic Box, with the good ones containing better ingredients.

The first two new weapons, the Taquito Gun and the Burrito Bomb, you have to buy using coins. However, you will get new weapons for free each time that you beat a boss stage, or any stage with a blue star next to it. Every fifth stage will be a boss stage (5, 10 ,15 etc). When you beat the boss, you will get the weapon even if you don’t earn any actual stars on the stage.

Want to get more clothes? The only way to do so is to go to Ian’s mom’s house and have her cook up a new clothing item. You need the ingredients to cook it up, and then the item will cost crystals on top of that, so earn as many crystals as you need and get the ingredients and you can get the clothing.