Dumb Ways To Die 2: The Games allows you to pledge not to do dumb stuff around trains (which makes no sense to anyone outside of Melbourne) and, of equal importance, gives you a whole bunch of mini games that allow you try and avoid dying in a million other dumb ways. You get eight games each in the Dumb Dome, Freezerville, Drown Town, and eventually Adrenaland as well. Here’s how to beat every single one of them, at high speeds and high difficulties, and get an extremely high score!
For page one, we’ll deal with Drown Town. Here’s how to beat every level with the highest possible score:
Shark Jumping: You get a whole lot of leeway to screw up with this one, because your Fonze-monster stays in the air for so long. Just jump shortly before the front of the ski hits the circle and you’re good.
Dolphin Rodeo: Tilt the phone slowly, because the dolphin tilts slowly. If you tilt it too far or too fast, you’re likely to accidentally tilt him too far and throw the rider off. Be careful with how far you tilt.
Killer Whale Dentistry: You can either swipe in circles with the teeth, or swipe side to side, which can arguably be better for accuracy. Swipe like you are actually brushing teeth – it can be easier this way.
High Dive: This one is simple. Tap and hold the screen until the dotted line lands in the middle of the pool.
Running Beside The Pool: Tap, and tap, and tap, SLOWLY. Don’t tap again until your character’s foot comes down and it stops moving, or else you’ll go too fast and slip and fall.
Dumb Life Saving: Swipe the three characters back toward the middle. If they are on the left side of the screen they will move left, and if they are on the right side of the screen, they will go right. Switch their sides if you need to. Try to keep one on one side and two on the other side, as opposed to all of them on one side.
Depth Charge Free Diving: This one is a pain in the ass. Tilt to avoid the mines that pop up, and watch out because they come up FAST.
100M Piranha Freestyle: Tap as fast as you can, and tap with as many fingers as you can fit on the screen all at the same time. This is easier on an iPad but even on an iPhone you can use at least four fingers at a time.
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