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Food Battle: The Game – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies, Page 4

Jelly Donuts might be rather laughable due to their hilariously pathetic running away after they take a swing at you, but they can be one of your deadliest enemies, because when their jelly freezes you, you’re insanely vulnerable, which is especially bad when being chased by suicide-bombing Boston Creams or crowds of Maple Bars. Take them out first. If you get trapped in jelly, dash and you’ll get out. And take them out first before anyone else.

Every stage has three stars that you can possibly earn. On every single stage, one of those stars is earned automatically after taking out every donut on the stage. If you miss a donut or two, you will end up missing that star. Any time you need to go back to a stage that you zero-starred and get some more, just kill off all of the donuts and you’ll get the first one for free.

The Pink Jugger Nut will reappear in level 25, and will be far tougher to kill than before. Basically, it will shoot jelly at you, it will release Boston Creams, and it will jump high in the air and smash you. Dash around to avoid the smash attacks and the cleaver attacks, and stop for short periods of time to entice the Boston Creams into exploding, but dash away before their explosion hits so that you can’t get hit.

During the boss stages, leave some boxes and (later on in the factory levels) packages around so that you can hit them later on. They will especially come in handy when you run out of life or out of special move stamina, which is absolutely necessary after you unlock the gummy whip.

During the post-factory stages you will face off against the bosses again, along with a host of other minor enemies at the same exact time. Use their attacks against the bosses; run around in the middle of the two and entice the minor enemies to attack the boss, and they’ll do quite a bit of damage especially if you can get them to aim correctly.

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