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Food Battle: The Game – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Glitches, Page 3

10) Get donuts to attack each other.
For some reason, donuts can do damage to each other in this game. So when you are facing off against a big crowd of donuts, your best bet is to run through the middle of them to bait them into attacking. Run away before they finish their wind-ups and they will hit each other if they are in each other’s way. Oftentimes you can kill every donut at once this way.

9) Watch out for falling Maple Bars
Maple Bars will fall down and do range damage from the shockwave of their falls when they die, so don’t get caught unaware. Instead, make sure to stay out of the way of their attacks. Like above, their falling death will damage other nearby donuts, so use this to your advantage.

8) How to get the Boston Cream to blow up and not hit you.
These donuts like to attack you by blowing themselves up and doing a ton of damage. To stop this, stop moving for a short period of time and let them start to sizzle for about half a second. Then run away or use the dash move to get away from them quickly, and they will blow themselves up without being within range to do you any damage.

7) Knock off the Jelly Donut right away whenever you see it.
This donut looks totally pathetic with its running away and its bizarre antics, but if you get stuck in its jelly, you are instantly a stationary target for any other enemy, and a combination of jelly and Boston Creams can leave you completely screwed. Dash to get out of the jelly and then kill the Jelly Donut so you don’t have to worry about getting stuck.

6) Talk to Charlie for some funny lines.
He changes his lines after every single stage that you beat, at least until you beat the game the first time, because then he doesn’t talk to you at all when you up the difficulty level. He’s good for comic relief, though, so talk to him for a new line with every stage that you beat.

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