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Dubai Drift: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Dubai Drift is a new iOS/Android game that exemplifies the idea of a game where your only goal is to screw around. Well, essentially, that and collect cones, but you get to pick from plenty of real life cars with unconvincing fake names (the SupraFLY, for example), drift around and compete with other players around the world for cones. Read on for some tips and tricks for Dubai Drift!

You get to pick from plenty of vehicles, and every vehicle has a different set of attributes when it comes to speed, handling, traction, and so on and so forth. However, none of them actually TELL you what the attributes are, meaning you have to experiment and figure it out for yourself. Use the single player mode as a practice round so you can do this. That, and earning experience, are what the round is great for.

Go to the options menu and you can swap out the steering wheel for a joystick, change the sensitivity, or even automate the acceleration; however, it is better to take care of the accelerating yourself because there are times when you won’t want to be on the pedal at all times. For example, if you run into a wall, you escape by hitting the brake pedal to reverse out of it.

Hit the watch and earn button for some free experience points. The best ways to earn more exp are to destroy stuff in the stage (such as airport lights and snowmen), knock the snowman’s hat off without actually hurting the snowman itself, to let a falcon land on the hood of your car, and to crawl up the sand dunes in the off roading stage. The shorter the dune crawl, the better.

Want to earn more cars? Being that there is no currency in the game, your way to win more cars is by earning experience, or by ranking up in the standings. An easy way to rank up, AND to gain more experience, is when you are finished playing in the online drift round, stay in the game while everybody else leaves, then rack up cones while you are the only one in the stage, or while there is only one more person there. Keep doing this to rack up the exp.

Change the camera angle by hitting the camera button at the top of the screen midgame. The easiest camera angle to work off of is the original one as it automatically points to the cone that you want to get, but if your goal is to do other tricks instead, the first person camera angle works better than the other ones.