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Lindsay Lohan’s The Price of Fame: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Okay, let’s be real here. I want to live in a world where Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan duke it out for who has the top iPhone game by a celeb. Yes, Lindsay Lohan has a new iPhone game called The Price of Fame, and it’s programmed by Andy Ross from the band OKGo. This is a similar game to the old Make it Rain games, but instead of collecting money, you collect both fans and gold coins, and you can create and customize your own celeb character. Read on for some tips and tricks for Lindsay Lohan’s The Price of Fame!

Swiping is how you gain more fans. Swipe up enough and the fan will get swept off of the screen; move them too little and they will not leave the screen, nor will they count towards your total. Swipe with two fingers, and to make it easy to swipe fast, turn the phone upside down and hold it against you while you swipe to prevent it from slipping.

Your most important purchases early on are the Conspicuous Consumption purchases, as these increase the worth of each swipe. These are far more worth it than the Publicity Investments are, early on, and they continue to be so as long as you are someone who plays the game very frequently.

To get a ton of them right off the bat, go to the Supercharge screen, where one Red Carpet booster is given away before you have to pay a dollar for it. Then link your account to Facebook and you will be able to earn double the amount of fans per second for the entire rest of the time that you play the game for.

Later on, the Publicity Investments will become more worth it, to the point that you can actually make more with those than from swiping, so if you just let your phone sit you get rich. If you go this route then make sure that your auto lock screen is turned off in your settings. Also, make sure that you add to your entourage so that you can make even more fans while you aren’t playing.

Increase both the Party Bus capacity and the fans earned per hour. Then, after you do that, go to the date and time settings on your phone or tablet and set them ahead enough to fill up all of your capacity. You can do this cheat as many times as you want in order to earn fast free fans.