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Hollywood U: Rising Stars – Top 25 Cheats, Tips, Tricks, and Strategies, Page 2

20) However, use the side quests if you want to earn some big rewards.
Side quests are time consuming, they don’t earn you any experience points, and they will offer piddly little cash rewards for most of the time that you engage in them. Do the last quest in the series of quests, though, and you’re likely to earn a LOT of free diamonds. Free diamonds often appear as rewards in the middle of these quests, too, as do new characters here and there, so don’t just ignore them.

19) At level seven, you can unlock a new character’s dorm.
You’ll unlock the Pop Star dorm at this point, and you can purchase the female Pop Star from the store (plus you recruit Lisa the Pop Star as part of a quest), but the male one costs diamonds. You can also party the Pop Star at Club VIP for new combinations, such as the Composer when you party it with a Director.

18) During the dialogue, pick the “nicest” answer 95 percent of the time.
As cliched as it might seem for a game such as this, that is how you will get through quests more quickly, and oftentimes the line that you choose determines how much or how little time it will take in order to complete a quest. Pick the right line and it will take a shorter amount of time, and often the nice line is the right line.

17) Keep a stash of diamonds around so that you can participate in the VIP quests.
These are the quests that require you to pay diamonds for the first leg of the quest. They seem worthless at first because they will have little to no rewards, and this will carry on for quite awhile, and the quests will take forever to complete. However, when you complete the last leg of said quest, your diamond reward will eclipse what you spent on the quest to begin with.

16) Have at least one of every crossover friend available.
Crossover friends, of course, are the ones which have more than one friend type (Fashionista, Director, Movie Star, Pop Star). If you don’t have one around and you need it, you can often expect to get put out for hours while you wait for a party to complete, and then for the admissions building to finish.

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