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Bird Climb – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Bird Climb is a new wall-bouncing Flappyesque for the iOS platform. Your goal is to get as high as you can by going up as many floors as possible, as well as to collect gems. Collecting these gems will, of course, allow you to get new birds. Read on for some tips and tricks for Bird Climb!

Your main goal, of course, is to avoid the rocks on the side of the screen as you are going upwards. Gems are the secondary priority; if the path to get a gem would require you to put your bird in a risky situation that could possibly kill it, then simply avoid getting the gem in the first place and look for an easier gem to get.

One thing that separates this game from the others is that you can go down as far as you want to. There’s no practical reason to do so, of course, unless you missed a gem and you want to go back and get it, but that also makes the game more forgiving in general. Just make sure that you don’t hit any of the rocks on the walls on the way down either.

Every ten floors, the colors will change on the stage, and the difficulty will increase. As the difficulty increases you’ll have to keep slowing down your play, although after level 20 or so, the difficulty stops increasing. Also, every ten levels the gems will add another multiplier – for example, they will be worth 2 each after level 10, three after level 20 and four after level 30.

If you want all of your gems to be worth as much as possible, then go up to the highest multiple of ten that you can, skipping the gems along the way, Then when you get there, start dropping back down and collecting gems as you go, and the gems will all be multiplied, even on the lower floors.

As you collect gems you will be able to purchase new birds. You can also restart for 10 gems, which is worth it if you are at least on level 20 because you can make up the lost gems so quickly. Otherwise, don’t bother if you are already having a lousy round. At that point it would just be a waste of gems to restart.