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Card Wars – Adventure Time: Tips, Tricks, Cheas and Strategy Guide

Card Wars: Adventure Time merges Hearthstone style gameplay with the whimsical world of Adventure Time to make a new card-battling game for the iOS and Android platforms. You and your opponents lay out cards and battle each other, playing not only with strategy but with speed in order to beat the other player and earn big rewards. Read on for some tips and tricks for Card Wars: Adventure Time!

You get a specific amount of lives in this game, and when you run out you have to wait for them to come back. You can set the time ahead on your phone or tablet so that you regain the lives instantly; once you go back to the game after messing with the time, the lives will all be restored. The same trick doesn’t work for the daily prize, though; you have to wait for a day to pass before you can get the prize.

Pretty shortly into the game, you’ll unlock card crafting. This will allow you to combine two cards together in order to make a new card. Use this as your first option before you sell off cards, whenever you need to get rid of ones that you don’t want anymore. You’ll get rid of two cards and make a stronger card.

Make sure that all of the cards in your deck (or decks) fit the lands that you have in your hand. If a card can’t go on any land, then it’s completely useless in battle. There are four types of lands total. It’s generally best to have two or three lands split about evenly in your deck, or even a deck consisting entirely out of one land to ensure that your cards will be useful.

Purchase new card packs as often as possible, as rare and very rare cards are rather common. Rares can typically mostly come out later in the battle due to the amount of magic that it takes in order to summon them, but when you do, they will be FAR more powerful than the common cards. Best to put them into a land across from an empty space so that you can do massive amounts of damage to the enemy hero.

Be sure to play the daily challenges and the PvP mode, not just the single player mode. In these modes, the hit/miss/perfect wheel will be even more important than it is in the normal mode, so make sure that your timing is perfect. Smart and fast use of this can help a weaker deck beat a stronger deck. Likewise, if you have a really strong deck but you miss all the time, then you’re going to lose against weaker players.