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RPG Toram Online – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, How To Beat, and Strategy Guide

RPG Toram Online is a new sequel to RPG Iruna Online, made by Asobimo, the company who is probably most famous for RPG Avabel Online, a very long lasting mobile RPG. This takes the MMORPG genre and adds a much more active touch to it, with scavenger hunts and battles galore, and some of the tougher bosses seen in any mobile RPG. Read on for some tips and tricks for RPG Toram Online!

Even though there is no auto-populate feature like there is in most mobile MMOs, the game still gives you direction on where to go – you just have a more active part in it. Look for the little arrow/plumb bob to appear on screen and follow it, and it will lead you to your destination. Hit the action button to do what you need to do, which usually will be either talking to someone, opening a door, or attacking monsters.

You can use the “SAY” button to call on other players to help you defeat bosses, and you will NEED help in order to defeat most of the bosses as they are tough. If you want to find people more easily, go to the settings and show more players, and then when you don’t need them anymore and you merely want smoother graphics, go back and hide other players.

In battle, hit the action button so it shows one sword instead of two, in order to attack – you will automatically begin attacking at this point. Watch for the boss’s pattern and hit it when it’s vulnerable. Typically, this will be right after the boss executes an attack and is cooling down to prepare for the next attack.

Whenever you go to a town, talk to as many people as you can. Not only do they typically have semi-interesting stuff to say, but many of them have side quests for you to complete. These are an excellent opportunity to earn new rewards such as experience and equipment, and something else for you to have other players help you with if they are extra tough.

Of course, if you simply just want to level up in the simplest way possible, go to an area with a lot of enemies, hit the action button so that it sets automatically, then watch as your character begins polishing off wave after wave of enemies. Keep an eye on his or her experience level, as when that increases, so do stats. Once the level is high enough, go take on the quest that you had previously been putting off.