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Tap Quest: Gate Keeper – Top 15 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Hints, Page 3

5) Every ten upgrades to your hero, your fairy or your tower, you will get a whole new bonus, but the upgrade will be far more expensive. Be sure to watch a lot of videos at that point as you work your way toward the upgrade. After that upgrade, they will get cheaper again, but the damage portion of the upgrade will be FAR more than it was before.

4) If you have a lot of gems, buy the Midas Bone, the Book of Protection or the Magnetic Stone. The Midas Bone will increase coin gains by 15%. The Book of Protection will reduce stun duration by 70 percent. The Magnetic Stone will automatically collect all coins that drop on a level.

3) Don’t forget about upgrading your spells too. Upgrading your spells is cheap, often neglected, and very effective, and the right upgrades can make the difference in a tough boss battle. They will increase the damage, the duration that each power up lasts for, and their effectiveness in general, making for a very effective combination.

2) As you get to later levels, sometimes the coin chests will end up becoming more valuable than the gem chests. The coin chests will give you items that are on your tier or one tier below. The gem chests sometimes still pose a risk of giving you a lower-tier item.

1) Start over at previous levels in order to earn more coins per battle and per life that you use. Just make sure to be extra careful so that you don’t accidentally die in an old level, because then you will end up with less overall coins. But not only can you get even more coins by cruising through stage after stage, you can also go back to hunt for relics this way. If you find a relic early on, chances are you are going to find another one real soon, so go hard at these early stages.

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