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10 Billion Wives – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, How to Win, and Strategy Guide

10 Billion Wives is a cute, weird and hilarious new clicker game for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal in this game is to marry all of the wives in the world, and to do that you start off marrying one of them, build up your total love, marry another one, repeat, then build up your number of wives until you’ve eventually (wait for it…) married all of them! Read on for some tips and tricks for 10 Billion Wives!

You can upgrade each wife by one level at a time after you marry her, and each successive upgrade costs more and more love and adds another 1x to the multiplier for that wife. Certain items are available to be purchased for your wives – the first immediately, the second after level 20, the third after level 100, and the last after level 120.

In one of the other menus is the achievement area. The completed achievements won’t float to the top like they do in other games, so you have to search them out. Tap on them and you’ll add another 20% multiplier to your tapping power. Plus, when you unlock every single one of the achievements, you get a secret boost.

The Wifeplus is a jar that can be purchased via IAP, and will add permanent multipliers to the game. If you want to have a temporary 3x tapping multiplier, then go to the “Share to get!” menu and hit the share button. You will get a 45 second tapping boost.

There are not that many tapping upgrades to purchase, but the few that are there are extremely valuable. To get a ton of love so that you can tap and have the taps be valuable, set your phone or your tablet to stay open and not idle/hibernate the screen. Now put the game to the forefront and leave your phone out. You’ll keep collecting love indefinitely for as long as your phone is out. This is a good way to get a ton of love whenever you are busy.

Especially let it sit for awhile so that you can save up love when you’re saving up for a gift to buy one of your wives. The first gift gives 2X the LPS. The second one gives 10X, and the third one gives 100X. The fourth one will give a 200x LPS bonus to that wife.