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Loot Crate’s Master Summoner – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, How to Beat, and Strategy Guide

Loot Crate’s Master Summoner is a new clicker game released by Loot Crate, the company that sends you random boxes of nerd and gamer gear when you sign up. This game, which is totally free, has you tapping in order to get crystals released by a monster, as well as summoning other monsters. You can connect the game with Summoner’s Symbols if you are a Loot Crate member, but even if you are not, you can still do plenty and get far. Read on for some tips and tricks for Loot Crate’s Master Summoner!

Your taps only earn you one crystal at first, but you can power up the monster to get an instant multiplier. To do this, swipe down and the charge bars next to the monster’s platform will fill up, and once they are filled to the top, you will power up. You can keep the power up going by swiping down before it runs out, or you can activate it again at any time.

Go to the main store area (which is shaped like a little house icon) to buy power ups. You can buy multipliers to the base crystal count that you get from the monster, and you can also buy multipliers for the power-ups from swiping down. Combine the two together for massive gains when you power up your monster.

After you unlock every single monster in the game, you can still use the Summon Loot upgrade to make some new items appear; however, no new monsters will appear. There will also be no performance gains from any of the loot or monsters that you summon, so it’s not all that relevant to the gameplay itself. It’s fun if you are a collector, though.

After you purchase a Gem Upgrade while in the middle of a power-up session, you will need to fill the bar again, even if your monster is still in Super Saiyan mode. The power up will stop working otherwise, and your tapped gems will go back to normal unless you power up again.

You can tap with as many fingers as you want and as many as you can fit on the screen at the same time. Alternate your taps as best you can, but the game will read almost all of the taps that you make, to the point where it is possible to tap with five or six fingers at the same time. Or get a bunch of your friends together, and speed-tap the screen epically fast, and maybe have one friend swipe downward to keep the power-ups going in the middle of all of this.