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Beat the Boss 4 – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, How to Beat, and Strategy Guide

Beat the Boss 4 is the long-awaited, and surprise-release latest entry in the Beat the Boss (formerly known as Kick the Boss) franchise for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal in this game is to beat the crap out of your boss, and you get a mind-boggling variety of weapons with which to do just that. And now, you get a huge array of bosses to beat up too. Read on for some tips and tricks for Beat the Boss 4!

When you fight a new boss for the first time, they will attempt to challenge you; first with a timer bar, then with having a force field that appears every so often that wards off attacks. When you attack the boss, it will weaken the force field; one of the best weapons to destroy it quickly is to use the old-school pencils. Just tap to fire and you’re set.

After you get a weapon, be sure to upgrade it in order to increase the damage it does and drop the amont of time that it takes to kill the boss. Tap the “up” button in the store menu to activate the upgrade menu. Of course, you can only upgrade a weapon that you already own; if you don’t own it yet, you can’t upgrade it.

Some weapons have to be crafted, rather than purchased. If you want to craft a weapon, you have to have all of the specific crafting parts in order to do so, and those can be dropped whenever you kill the boss; any boss, as the drops are completely random no matter who you are beating up.

Hit the store area and you can purchase five hearts for 250 coins, but you earn them every time you kill the boss anyways, so there is really not much point in that. You can also get free diamonds, which are the premium currency of the game. Aside from killing the boss, diamonds can be earned by hitting the “Free Diamonds” button in the store and watching one of the videos listed in the menu or completing one of the offers.

Once you beat all of the bosses on one map, you will unlock a whole other map with a whole other host of bosses, as well as the ability to custom create your own boss. Even before that too, you can edit the look of your blood and your weapons, so be sure to scroll through all of the options.