Iron Roses Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Iron Roses Walkthrough
Welcome to the Iron Roses Walkthrough!
Help Alex get the band back together! Run all over town trying to get the former members of Iron Roses together for a battle of the bands concert.
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
Rock a little bit harder with our Iron Roses game walkthrough, featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by prpldva.

- To access your inventory right-click or press the Inventory button in the lower right corner of the game screen.
- Mouse over inventory items to see how you can interact with them. The eye icon means you can inspect that object more closely. Either click on the eye, or double-click on the item.
- Use the scroll arrows to see all inventory items.

- The cursor will change colors based on what actions can be done.
- A white cursor indicates nothing special.
- The blue cursor means an exit or path to a different screen.
- A yellow cursor shows an area you can walk to on the current screen. To walk faster, you can hold down the space bar.
- The green cursor indicates that an action may take place.
- This game has an auto-save feature. You must manually save the game if you want it saved at a certain point.
- Press F1 to open the list of short-cut keys.
Act One
- Alex has messed up again and must make amends to her roommate.

- Enter the bathroom and take the make-up.
- Take and read the newspaper to learn about a job.
- Exit the bathroom.

- Enter the kitchen.
- Look at the fruit.
- Take some change from the jar on the counter.
- Exit the kitchen.

- Look at the amplifier and the poster.
- Take the guitar.
- Leave the living room and enter the hall.
- Take the pick from the floor.
- Talk to Lynn completely.

- When you ask to play for Lynn, a mini-game will appear.
- Click on the notes as they appear.
- Green notes last the longest, followed by the yellow notes.
- The red notes appear for the shortest amount of time.
- Missing too many notes will cause the mini-game to start over.

- Look at the bookcase and take the apartment key.
- You may pick up the other keys, but they will not go into inventory.
- Exit the bookcase and try to leave the apartment.

- The angry landlady wants her rent and is blocking the way.
- Return to the living room and exit the apartment through the window.
- You are now in the alley.
- Walk to the left and exit the alley.
- You are now in front of the apartment building.
- Walk to the left again.
- On the corner of the deli is a newspaper vending machine.
- Use the change from inventory to get a newspaper.
- Read the newspaper to learn about the battle of the bands contest.
- Click on the left edge of the sidewalk to continue up the street.

- Talk to the bouncer in front of Lethal Dose completely.
- He will not let you in to apply for the job.
- Walk to the left to go down the street; then enter the alley.
- Talk to Martin and learn he was kicked out of his band.

- His lyrics were torn up and tossed down the alley.
- Walk left to go deeper into the alley.
- Pick up the nine pieces of Martin’s song.

- Look at one of the scraps inside your inventory to activate a mini-game.
- In this jigsaw-style puzzle, click on the center of a scrap to rotate.
- Place the scraps into the block until the song is complete.

- Walk left and talk to Martin again, thoroughly, to trigger a mini-game.
- Click on the notes as they appear.
- Green notes last the longest, followed by the yellow notes.
- The red notes appear for the shortest amount of time.
- Missing too many notes will cause the mini-game to start over.

- Continue talking to Martin until he agrees to let you into the club.
- Martin gives you his lucky guitar pick.
- Open the door and find yourself in the storage room.
- Make note of the broom.
- Walk through the right door into the club.

- Walk left to the table area.
- Talk to the bartender and discover it is your old band mate, George, the Bomb!
- Talk to the Bomb completely and convince him to play if you can locate his lucky drumsticks.

- Walk to the storage room and take the broom.
- Return to the club and speak to the manager completely.
- Walk down and to the left to approach the stage.
- Use the broom on the garbage on the floor.

- Return to the bar and speak with the Bomb.
- He will give you the manager’s lunch.
- Give the manager his lunch and talk to him thoroughly.
- The amp will blow on stage, and you will offer to loan the club your amp.
- Continue talking to the manager and find he is missing his business cards.
- Return to the stage and take the garbage bag.

- Look at the garbage bag from inventory.
- Locate the nine business cards.
- Click on the “X” to exit the garbage bag.

- Leave the stage and talk to the manager.
- Exit the club to the alley.
- Walk left, deeper into the alley.
- Put the garbage in the dumpster.
- Exit the alley to the street.
- Walk right until you reach the alley behind your apartment building.
- Look in the garbage for a rotten tomato.
- Throw the tomato at the landlady’s window.

- Automatically walk to the front of the apartment building.
- Click on the double doors to enter the building.
- Use the key from your inventory on the apartment door.
- Click on the door to enter the apartment.

- Use the right door and enter the living room.
- Take the amp.
- Walk to the kitchen and take more change from the jar.
- Take some fruit.
- Leave the apartment and return to the front of the club.
- Talk to the bouncer and he will now let you in the front door.
- Talk to the manager and he accepts the amp.
- “Dude” from the band gives you his lucky guitar pick.
- The manager says you can have the job, but you decline.
- When you tell the manager that you are getting your old band back together, he begs you to join the battle of the bands.
Act Two
- You are back at your apartment and Lynn has lost her notes for her thesis evaluation.
- Locate the three note papers in the hall.

- Click on the right door to enter the living room.
- Locate the three note papers in the living room.

- Enter the kitchen.
- Locate the three notepapers in the kitchen.

- Return to the hall and talk to Lynn.
- Look in the drawer to find Toby’s number.
- Locate the six scraps of paper.
- Exit the drawer.

- Look at a scrap in your inventory to open a mini-game.
- In this jigsaw-style puzzle, click on the center of a scrap to rotate.
- Place the scraps into the block until the number is complete.

- Walk to the living room and look at the telephone.
- Dial 425-555-7859.
- Talk to Toby and learn that Martha may have the Bomb’s lucky drumsticks.
- Exit the apartment and run into the landlady.
- Talk to the landlady to discover she wants to borrow ingredients for a cake.
- Return to the kitchen and take the sugar and the flour.

- Open the fridge.
- Take the milk, eggs, and chocolate.
- Exit the fridge.

- Exit the apartment and talk to the landlady.
- Once the landlady leaves, exit the building and return to the club.
- Talk to the Bomb about his lucky drumsticks.
- He will email pictures of the drumsticks.
- Exit the club and walk left until you come to a taxi.

- Click on the taxi to enter the map.
- Select the Internet Cafe.

- Enter the cafe.
- Talk to George at the counter and learn that he accidentally downloaded a virus and none of the computers are working.
- Make a bet with George that you can fix the computers.
- Walk right to the computers.

- Use the USB stick from inventory on a computer to trigger a mini-game.
- The object of this mini-game is to get rid of the viruses.
- You cannot allow more than 18 viruses to infect the computer.
- Click on the bugs as they appear.

- The number in the upper left corner indicates the remaining amount of bugs.
- You will have to play this mini-game on each of the three computers.

- Walk left to the front counter.
- Talk to George and he gives you permission to use the computers.
- Return to the computers and click on one to begin.
- The power shorts out.
- Return to George and he tells you of a problem with the fuse box.
- Use the door behind the counter to enter the back room.

- Take the scissors and the printer cartridge.
- Locate the eight fuses.
- Look at the fusebox.
- Take the fuses from your inventory and place them in the matching color socket.

- Use the right hand door to enter the alley.
- Take the printer cable out of the trash can.

- Return to the cafe and speak with George.
- Walk right to the computers.
- Click on the computer near the printer to learn it is not working.
- Use the printer cartridge on the printer and the scissors will automatically open the package.
- Use the printer cable on the printer.
- Click on the printer and then take the printer paper.

- Exit the cafe and walk left to the map.
- Select Martha’s Restaurant.
- Select the left green awning to enter the restaurant.
- Talk to the head waiter and learn that Martha’s office is on the other side of the tables.
- Walk down to enter Martha’s office.

- Talk to Martha completely.
- She tells you to speak with the head waiter for some part-time work.
- She also tells you that the Bomb’s drumsticks may be in the drawer.
- Look in the drawer.

- Locate the six pieces of the broken drumsticks.
- Exit the drawer.
- Exit the office and return to the restaurant.

- Talk to the head waiter to trigger a Time Management mini-game.
- The object of this mini-game is to get 20 happy points by keeping the customers happy.
- If you get 10 unhappy points, you lose the game and must start over.
- Click on a customer when an exclamation mark appears to take the order.
- Click on the food when it appears on the counter and take it to the correct customer.
- Click on the dollar sign when the customer pays.

- The head waiter now wants you to collect the coffee cups from Martha’s office.
- Walk down to Martha’s office and locate the nine coffee cups.
- Talk to Martha and tell her that you found the broken drumsticks.
- She suggests you go the music shop to tape them together.
- Exit Martha’s office and talk to the headwaiter.

- After returning the cups, you are paid.
- Exit the restaurant and walk down screen to return to the square.
- Enter the Music shop and talk to Zvone.
- He says the sticks are unrepairable, but suggests making a decal of the design and using it with new drumsticks.
- Use the printer paper on the decal maker.
- Use the two blank decals on the decal maker.
- Continue talking to Zvone.
- He charges you fifty dollars for the special grips, but they look great.

- You are automatically back at the club with Lynn, watching the bands perform.
- You notice that Adrian is missing his favorite necklace and you locate it broken on the floor.
Act Three
- Talk to Lynn.
- The missing piece must be at the club.
- Once the piece is found, Lynn’s father will fix the necklace.
- Exit the apartment and walk to the front entrance of the club.
- Enter the club and locate the missing piece on the floor.

- Exit the club.
- Walk left until you reach the taxi.
- Click on the taxi to access the map.
- Select the Jewelry Shop.
- Click on the entrance to enter the shop.
- Talk to Mr. Jameson completely.
- In order to fix the necklace today, Mr. Jameson will need your help with advertising.
- Exit the Jewelry Shop and walk right to the parking lot.
- Take the fliers from your inventory and place each on a green car.

- Return to the shop and speak to Mr. Jameson.
- He quickly repairs the necklace.
- Exit the shop and select the taxi to return to the map.
- Select Crash’s hotel.
- Click on the doors to enter the hotel.
- Speak to the receptionist with no luck.
- Talk to the guard completely. He needs his glasses.

- Exit the hotel and walk right to the rear of the hotel.
- Walk down the path to see a close-up of the grass.
- Locate the six pieces of the guard’s glasses.

- Exit the close-up.
- Look at one of the pieces inside inventory to trigger a mini-game.
- Click on the center of the piece to rotate into position.

- Return to the hotel lobby and speak to the guard.
- He is grateful for the glasses, but must let you in the back way.
- Enter the hotel’s rear entrance.
- Talk to the bodyguard, but he is not budging.
- Walk right until you reach the baggage carts.
- Climb into the cart numbered 208.

- You are automatically delivered to Crash’s room.
- Talk to Adrian completely. He needs clothes and his guitar repaired.
- Take the guitar.

- Exit the room so that Crash may tell the bodyguard to allow Alex access to the room at anytime.
- Enter the room and talk to Adrian again and head out shopping!
- Enter the fashion boutique.
- Talk to Crash to see what he likes.
- Take the pants, shoes, and shirt.

- Talk to Crash to trigger a mini-game.
- Drag the pieces of the outfit that match the outline.

- Talk to the sales girl.
- Exit the store and click on the taxi to return to the map.
- Select the music store.
- Enter the Music store and speak to Zvone.
- He needs help repairing the guitars.

- Click on the broken guitars to activate a mini-game.
- Drag the pieces to the correct guitar.

- Exit the store and take the taxi to the map.
- Click on Toby’s office.
- Enter the office building and click on the right elevator.
- Walk forward past the white chairs to enter Toby’s office.
- Talk to Toby completely and learn that his father may have taken his bass.
- You will have to enlist help from Walter, the security guard.
- Exit Toby’s office and return to the lobby.
- Take the left elevator to find Walter.
- Talk to Walter and he will gladly help Toby escape, but he needs help first.
- Click on the wall monitors to watch them for Walter.

- This will trigger a Simon-Says type mini-game.
- Watch the red rings appear around a monitor screen.
- Repeat the sequence on the numbers at the bottom of the screen.
- The first sequence will have only one screen.
- Each sequence will add an additional screen.
- You will need to complete a sequence of six.
- A missed button will start the sequence over.
- This puzzle is randomized. The sequence was 1-2-2-3-2-3.

- Talk to Walter again. He has freed Toby.
- Walter asks for your help again.
- Look at the monitor on the desk to trigger a mini-game.
- Find the six differences between the two pictures.
- You may click on either side.

- Talk to Walter and he will give you the key to his garage for rehearsals.
- Exit the building to find Toby.
- Tell him about Walter’s garage.
- Automatically go to Walter’s garage.
- Both Crash and Toby are missing their instruments and the Bomb has not shown up yet.
- Exit the garage and talk to Toby about his bass.
- *Note: as you collect the instruments and equipment, you may place them inside the garage in the correct outline.
- Click on the taxi to go to the map.
- Select Lethal Dose.
- Walk right and return to the club.
- Talk to the Bomb at the bar.
- The company has pulled out of the contest.
- Search the garbage bags for the winning bottle cap.

- Take the garbage bag and look at it inside of your inventory.
- Take all the bottle caps.

- Exit the garbage bag.
- Walk to the stage and take the garbage bag.

- Look at the garbage bag inside your inventory but there is nothing of worth there.
- Walk to the lobby and take the two bags of garbage.

- Exit the club via the back entrance and put all four garbage bags into the dumpster.
- Return to the bar and talk to the Bomb.
- He is excited about his drumsticks!
- Exit the club and walk left to the taxi.
- Click on the taxi to return to the map.
- Select Knight Publishing.
- Enter the building and walk forward into the office.
- Talk to the businessman and convince him to reinstate the battle of the bands contest.
- He tells you to check the storage area for the missing equipment.
- Walk right to enter the storage area.

- Take the two amplifiers and exit the storage area.

- Exit the building and go to the cab.
- Select the garage to see what else is needed.
- Talk to all the band members to discover that we still need Toby’s bass and the Bomb’s drums.
- The Bomb thinks that a drum kit can be rented from the music shop.
- Take the taxi to the map and click on the music shop.
- Talk to Zvone and he will rent you a drum kit.
- Exit the music shop and take the taxi to the map.
- Return to the garage and speak with Crash about the microphone.
- Take the taxi to the map and select Father’s place.
- Enter the house.
- Talk to your father completely. He needs help in the attic.
- Walk upstairs.

- Locate the five reference books.

- Exit the attic and talk to your father.
- Walk to the basement.
- Take the iron rose and the old microphone.

- Exit the basement and return to the map.
- Select Toby’s place.
- Use Toby’s key to unlock the door.
- Enter the building.
- Look at the painting and note the date: August 5, 1845.
- Click on the bookcase to reveal the safe.

- Look at the safe.
- Rotate the dial to the correct number and press the center button to confirm.
- Enter the numbers: 8-5-1-8-4-5.
- It does not matter which way you turn the dial.

- The bass and amp will automatically go into inventory.
- Return to the garage and speak with the band again.
- The only thing missing is the “Mask of Inspiration.”
- Toby has been keeping the mask safe in his office.
- Exit the garage and go to Toby’s office.
- Enter the building and take the right elevator.
- Walk forward to enter Toby’s office.
- Take the mask from the wall.
- Leave Toby’s office and return to the garage.
- Enter the garage.
- Place all the instruments and equipment in the proper places based on the white outline.

- Alex passes out the guitar picks she has collected today.
- Iron Roses rehearses! *Note: You may press the space bar to skip this section.
- Iron Roses take on the Battle of the Bands! *Note: You may press the space bar to skip this section.
Congratulations! You have just completed Iron Roses!