Delaware St. John Volume 2: The Town with No Name Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Delaware St. John Volume 2: The Town with No Name Walkthrough
Welcome to the Delaware St. John Volume 2: The Town with No Name Walkthrough!
Deep in the woods of northern Maine there lies a town that has never been recorded on any map. Join Delaware St. John as he explores the mysterious Town with No Name!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document includes general game tips as well as the complete Delaware St. John Volume 2: The Town with No Name game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by M. Robinson.
Story 1: The Big Picture
Main Street

- Go down the street to the Theatre at the left side.
- Face the theatre and look closely at the ticket booth. Pick up the movie ticket.
- Turn right and go to the end of the road. See an oil tanker blocking the way.

- Turn right and see a diner.
- Look close at the dumpster to the left of the diner door. Pick up the broken umbrella.
- Back up from the diner. Enter the alley to right of the theatre.

- Check the side door of the theatre. Go back to the front of the alley and turn around.

- Use the umbrella on the fire escape ladder above. Climb up the fire escape ladder.
- Open the window that is slightly opened; then enter.
Theatre Office
- Look close (eye cursor) at the desk of Charles Epps, left of the open door.
- Open the top right drawer. Read the termination paper of Josh Martin. Look close at the clock and see that it stopped at 1:15.
- Attempt to exit the room through the main door. See Charles Epps.
- Exit the room.
Theatre Second Floor

- Go around the left corner to the other hallway.
- Attempt to enter the middle storage door. Hear Mr. Epps and Josh. Take note of the doorknob position of this door.

- Turn right to go back to the other hallway. Go through the open door to the left of the office, at end of hallway. Go down the stairs.
Theatre Lobby
- Go forward and get information from Kelly and Simon.
- Turn right from the winding stairs. Go to the Concession stand to the left of the double doors.

- Go behind the counter. See Josh and Jenny’s ghosts.
Cash Register

- Look close at the side of the refrigerator. Read the notes about the cash register that state: C-1, K-B, K-D, C-1.

- Look close at the cash register that has three switches: A, B, and D. C is the lever.
- Pull the lever; turn B; turn D, and pull the lever again.
- Pick up the service room key.
Service Room
- Turn around from the cash register and see a clock that stopped at 1: 15 also.

- Turn left from the clock, and go forward to the other side of the lobby.
- Enter the white door beside the door going back up to the second floor.
- Use the doorknob. Hear someone in there.
- Use the key on the keyhole and turn the doorknob. Enter the room.
- Go to locker on the right. Open the locker and close it. It will open automatically, and you will see Jenny. Talk to Jenny.
- Open the left locker and take the rubber glove from the top shelf.
- Exit the room.
Men’s Room
- Climb the winding stairs to the mezzanine ahead.
- Enter the men’s room.
- Open the last stall and look closely at the toilet. See a small key.
- Use the glove on the key.
- Exit the room.
Women’s Room
- Go to the women’s room beside the men’s room.
- Use the small key on the keyhole of the women’s room door.
- Enter and take the ID card on the sink.
- Exit the room.
- Go left, after exiting the women’s room.
- Try to go through the balcony’s double doors. A ghost attendant blocks the way!
- Go back downstairs to the lobby and turn left.
- Enter through the orchestra double doors. They are locked.
- Use the ID card taken from the women’s room.
- See a ghost announcer by the stage. Go forward and turn around. See another ghost up in the balcony. Get information from Simon.
- Exit the orchestra.
- Go back up to the balcony doors at the mezzanine.
- Go to the balcony door and talk to the attendant again.
- She wants you to solve her crossword puzzle.
Crossword Puzzle

- Look at the stand on the right of the balcony doors to see the crossword puzzle.
- For the Across 1 solution, click on the letters: C S T U M (costume).
- For the Down 2 solution, click on the letters: R M R (rumor).

- Enter through the balcony double doors.
- Move forward; turn left and look closely at the third seat on the front row. Pick up the quarter coin from the seat.
- While facing the first row of seats, go forward to the end of the front row seats.
- Talk to Mother Helena, the ghost nun sitting at the end of the second row.
The Hunter
- Hear the Hunter growl.
- Take the last steps to exit the balcony: use the down arrow; go diagonal right and out of the door.
- The ghost attendant tells you to go to Mr. Epps’ office. Continue, while she talks, to go forward, right, and down the stairs to the lobby.
- Go forward at the lobby; go through the brown door and enter.
- Automatically find yourself on the second floor. Turn left at once!
- If the Hunter catches you, a second chance occurs.

- Go back down to the lobby and up to the balcony at the mezzanine.
- Go forward to the front of the balcony and see “knock, knock, knock” on the movie screen.
Storage Room
- Go back down to the lobby; forward to the brown door and up to second floor.
- Go to the storage room (the middle door in the other hallway).
- Knock three times.
- The door opens. Enter the room; go forward and turn left to the middle aisle.
- Talk to Josh. He wants to talk to Jenny.
Service Room
- Go back down to the lobby. Turn left and enter the white door.
- Go forward to the lockers.
- Press the record button on the VIC to record Jenny.
- Go back to Josh upstairs.
Storage Room
- Josh asks Delaware to look for both Josh and Jenny.
- Turn around and see Josh unlock the connecting door.
Projection Room

- Enter the projection room.
- Go to the desk on the left and look closely.
- Open the top right drawer and read the maintenance request. Close the drawer.
- Take the screwdriver from the bottom left drawer. Close the drawer.
- Look closely at the projector to the right of the desk. Pick up the shovel to the right of the projector.
- Exit the room.
Animal Hunter Game
- Go down to the lobby; turn right and look closely at the game machine to the right of the orchestra door.
- Use the quarter on the slot of the machine.

- Look closely at the monitor. Read the rules of the game. Find the animal that scores the highest points in the screen, either alone or as the sum of similar animals. Shoot at that animal or one of a set of similar animals.
- The bear is 10 pts, skunk is 20 pts, rabbit is 50 pts and deer is 100 pts.
- When the game starts shoot at the following animals:Rabbit

- A map of the orchestra with an X mark is seen. Look at the X mark.
- Enter the orchestra’s double doors, to the left of the machine, or to the right of the concession stand.

- Go forward and look closely at the stage.

- Look closely at the base of the stage twice to get a close-up of the panel.
- Use the screwdriver on the panel.
- Enter the basement under the stage. Listen to Mr. Epps.
- Give Mr. Epps the ticket.

- Look closely at the dark spot on the ground.
- Use the shovel on the dark spot on the ground. Look at Josh and Jenny.
- Go to the exit of the basement and listen to Jenny and Josh.
Outside the Theatre

- Exit the basement and go left to the Emergency exit.
- Open the Emergency exit and listen to the ghost attendant.
- Go forward to exit to the alley. Go to the road and see the orphanage.
- You’ve completed Story 1: The Big Picture. To continue with Story 2: Home of the Damned, choose New Game from the main menu and select Story 2.
Story 2: Home of the Damned
Sister Helena’s Room

- Go left and enter the first room in the left hallway.

- Read the letter on the table.
- Pick up the key in the top left of the close-up of the letter.
- Go to the dresser beside the door and look closely.
- Open the bottom drawer of the dresser and read all the pages of the diary.
- Exit the room. Listen to Sister Helena.
- Go forward to the statue fountain.
- Go to the kitchen at the end of the middle hallway, to the left, behind the fountain.
- If the phone rings, answer the phone.

- Open the cabinet drawer to the right of the exit door. Take the batteries.
- Exit the kitchen.
Stairs to Second Floor
- Climb to the second floor using one of the stairs seen at the two corners of the front of the building.
- Use the back arrow to see the next set of stairs going up. The stairs going down are at the right or left edge of the screen while facing the stairs going up.
- Climb a set of stairs, and then use the diagonal green arrow to go to the balcony.
Painting Room
- Go to the double doors facing the balcony with the television.
- Open the door with the key.
Crayon Coloring Puzzle

- Turn right as soon as you enter. Read the note on the tack board on the right wall.
- Go forward to the windows. Talk to Tommy, the young ghost to the right of the windows at the end of the room.

- Face the door and look closely at the paper on the table on the right. Tommy says there are five crayons needed to finish the picture around the room.
- Look closely at the wall shelf across the table with paper. Take the orange crayon.

- Go to the wall shelf to the left of the exit door. Look closely and take the red crayon.

- Go to the sink to the left of the windows. Take the blue crayon.

- Turn around. Look closely at the vase on the table beside the blackboard. Take the green crayon.
- Look closely at the blackboard shelf. Take the yellow crayon.
- Go back to the paper on the table and look closely.
- Use the crayons, in the order stated by the note on the tack board, on the paper with a barn picture: green, blue, red, yellow, and orange.

- Tommy shows you a map of the first floor with an X on the last room of the right hallway.
- Exit the room.
Sister Grace’s Room
- Go down to the right hallway at the first floor. Go to the room at the end of the hallway at the right.
- It is locked. Use the fist icon on the door. Enter the room.
- Look under the bed and read all the pages in the diary of Sister Grace Evans. Little Nancy was given a lantern.
Third Floor Room

- Climb the stairs to the third floor and go to the back part of the building.
- Enter the room to the right of the hole in the hallway floor.
- Look closely; then take the door of the bathroom to the left of the table.
Nancy’s Room

- Go to the second floor at the back of the building. See a hole in the floor.
- Place the door over the hole.
- Enter the room on the right at the end of the hallway.
- Open the cabinet to the right of the door.
- Talk to Nancy Thompson.
- Use the batteries on the lantern.
- Exit the room. Hear footsteps.
- Go to the third floor.
- Enter the double doors facing the balcony, by the TV.

- Go to the bookshelf to the right of the windows.
- Read a diary page of Sister Grace.
Sort the Books
- Turn around and look closely at the table.

- Talk to Tommy. He is told to sort the books.
- Sort the books by taking a book and placing it on either the left or right side of the table. The left side is for kids’ books and the right side is for adult books.
- Kids’ books to be placed on the left side of the table:The Safety Book for Kids
A Kid’s Guide to Churning Your Own Butter
Let’s Count to 11
Let’s Talk About The Alphabet
My First Book of Diseases
- Adult Books to be placed on the right side of the table:Punishment Made Easy
Inherent Evil
Schizophrenia & You
Get Rich Yesterday
Global Warning
It was the Maid! A Murder Mystery
Spells, Occult and Rituals
Spell Book

- Read the “Spells, Occult and Rituals” book. Learn about the Hunter. Talk to Kelly.
- Exit the room. See a nun on the first floor.
Left Hallway
- Go down to the first floor.
- Face the left hallway and hear Sister Grace.
- Go down to the end of the left hallway; then turn around. See a male ghost standing by a room.
Sister Hazel’s Room

- Enter the second room in the hallway where the ghost man was standing.

- Pick up, and read, the letter beside the pillow.

- Click on the letter again and hear Delaware talk about the letter.
- Take a photo of the letter. Talk to Kelly, Sister Helena, and Simon.
- Exit the room.
Find Source of Cough
- Go to the left to be behind the fountain in the center of the courtyard. Hear a cough.
- Go to the kitchen in the left end of the middle hallway.
- Answer the phone, if it rings.
Storage Rooms

- Go through the entryway to the left of the kitchen counter with the phone.

- Turn right. Go forward to another room; then forward to the last storage room.

Hunter Chase
- The Hunter is here. Follow Kirsty.
- Do the least amount of clicks and fast until safety is reached.
- If you do not hear or see the Hunter during the run, you are safe. If you hear or see him, you’re running too slowly!

- Turn around; go forward to the end, and then left to the kitchen.

- Turn left and exit the kitchen to be in the hallway.

- Go right to the hallway and forward to Kirsty at the statue in the courtyard.

- Go right, then diagonally, to the corner of the area.

- See Kirsty go up the stairs. Go diagonally to the stairs and climb up the stairs.

- See Kirsty enter the room on the left. Go diagonally to the room Kirsty entered.
- This step can be omitted. Use the doorknob. It is not possible to enter.

- Turn around (back arrow) from the door where Kirsty went in and go forward to the balcony hallway.

- Go right and forward to the stairs in the corner.

- Climb the stairs to the third floor. See Kirsty enter another room.
- Go diagonally to room Kirsty just entered.
- Use the doorknob. Enter the room.
Ashley’s Room
- Talk to Ashley Williams. He wants Rex, the stuffed dinosaur.
Sister Helena’s Room
- Go down to the first floor.

- Enter the first room in the left hallway.

- Click on the wall above the bed, to the left of the window.
- Take Rex, the stuffed dinosaur on the floor to the right of the bed.
Ashley’s Room

- Climb back up to the third floor and enter Ashley’s room.
- Give the toy to Ashley.
Way to Secret Room
- Follow Ashley. Exit the room and go to the end of the left hallway.
- Go down the stairs on the left side of the screen.
- Turn around from the hallway.
- Go down the stairs on the left side of the screen.
- Go left to the fountain.
First Floor Bathroom
- Go to the middle hallway behind the statue on the first floor.
- Go forward and see Ashley in the middle corridor. Enter the bathroom across from the kitchen.
- Examine the picture on the wall by the door.
- See a dark altar. Look closely at the spell paper on the dish.
- Take a photo of the dark altar.
- Talk to Kelly and Simon. Delaware needs matches.
- Exit the bathroom.
- Enter the kitchen across the hallway.
- Hear the phone ring. Answer the phone. This might happen later.
- Go through the entryway to the left of the counter with the phone.
- Turn right and go forward to see Kirsty in the last room.

- Talk to Kirsty.
- Look closely at the bag of flour on the middle shelf, on the left. Take the matches.
- Exit the storage area. Hear the phone ring. Answer the phone.
- Go back to the bathroom across from the kitchen.
- Use the matches on the spell paper.
- Exit the bathroom.
Sister Helena
- Sister Helena appears with an axe. Go left to the fountain.
- Go left, or right, around the fountain.
- Go immediately to the exit door in front of the statue fountain.
- Look at the closed door. The children appear!
- The main door opens. Exit to the outside.
The End?