Resurrection New Mexico Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Resurrection New Mexico Walkthrough
Welcome to the Resurrection: New Mexico Walkthrough!
After a terrible traffic accident, Amy Walters finds herself trapped in dark, mysterious world that seems to have a mind of its own!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Resurrection: New Mexico game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by BrownEyedTigre, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
General Tips

- Click on Options (1) to adjust the Ambient, Effects, Music Volume, Full Screen and Game Cursor.
- The question mark cursor indicates you can get additional info about the area or item.
- An eye icon signifies you can examine the area.
- A hand icon indicates you can interact with the item.
- Throughout the guide, we will use the acronym ‘HOS’ for Hidden Object Scenes.
- Sparkling areas indicate a HOS. Items in these scenes may be random; your lists may vary from ours.
- Clicking on the item name in a find list will give you the picture of that item above the hint.
- You must complete various actions to trigger a HOS; if you do not have one when it is stated in the walkthrough, please check to see what you missed.
- Random clicking will cause a short disruption of your cursor.
- Puzzles can be skipped after a short wait.
- Hints are unlimited after a short recharge period.
- Examine the journal in the lower left to check your task list and story updates.
Chapter 1 – Pride

- Examine the door.
- Examine the floor; pick up the notice (A).
- Examine the nightstand; click the light switch (B).
- Open the drawer; take the NEWSPAPER (C).
- Pick up the cell phone (D).
- Examine the dresser to trigger a HOS.

- Find the items listed.

- Examine the door.
- Use the NEWSPAPER on the floor and push it under.
- Use the NAIL FILE on the keyhole; pull out the NEWSPAPER (E).
- Take the KEY.
- Use the KEY on the keyhole and turn.

- Examine and click the baseboard.
- Move the carpet.
- Take the MEMORY CARD (I) and CARD COVER (J).
- Exit the room.

- Click on the eye (K); get the TAPE automatically.
- In inventory; combine the TAPE and the BROKEN PLIERS to get PLIERS.
- Head right.
- Take the PHONE BUTTONS (L).
- Use the PLIERS on the wood (M).
- Back out twice.
- Examine the phone (N).
- Place the following items on the phone in this order; PHONE BUTTONS, PHONE DISPLAY, PHONE FRAME, MEMORY CARD and CARD COVER.
- Exit the hostel.

- Head forward to the brick wall/altar (O), speak to the girl hiding.
- Back out.
- Head right to the elderly man residence.
- Take the WOOD (P).
- Head left (Q).
- Speak to the elderly man.
- Click on the upstairs.
- Examine the area under the stairs to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get MATCHES.
- Back out.
- Speak to the elderly man.
- Examine the garbage pile to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get a KEY.
- Examine the door behind the elderly man.
- Place the KEY in the padlock and turn.
- Enter the garage.

- Remove the cloth; take the DRILL (T).
- Examine the chains (U) to trigger a puzzle.

- Remove the chains by removing the topmost chains first.
- See screenshot for solution and get a LADDER.
- Head forward into the rear of the garage.

- Examine the chair.
- Crumple the paper a few times and get a PIECE OF PAPER (V).
- Take the WINDMILL SAIL (W).
- Back out twice and left.
- Place the PIECE OF PAPER, WOOD and MATCHES in the fireplace.
- Examine the box by the window to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get SCREWS.
- Head upstairs.

- Examine the shelf; take the MEDIUM GEAR (X).
- Examine the closet (Y) to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get RUST REMOVER.
- Head into the bedroom.
- Examine under the bed to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get a DISC.
- Back out seven times to the hostel room.

- Examine the wall safe.
- Place the DISK on the safe; click to turn.
- Take the DOOR HANDLE (Z) and read the scroll.
- Head to the elderly man.
- Examine the door on the right (A).
- Use the RUST REMOVER on the bolt; click to enter.

- Take the SMALL GEAR (B) and the EMPTY JUG (C).
- Examine the sink (D).
- Use the EMPTY JUG on the sink, turn on the faucet; take the JUG WITH WATER.
- Examine the shelves (E) to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get a KNIFE.
- Back out twice; head to the school.

- Take the WINDMILL SAIL (F).
- Back out and head left and straight to the bridge.
- Use the KNIFE on the top of the tire to automatically get a ROPE (G).
- Examine the column to access a HOS (H).

- Find the items listed and get a WINDMILL SAIL.
- Back out and head left.

- Try and enter through the gate (I).
- Move the bucket; take the DUSTER (J).
- Move the stone (K).
- Examine the door; take the KEY (L).
- Use the KEY on the padlock; turn the key and enter.

- Use the DUSTER on the window (M).
- Use the KNIFE on the chicken feed (N).
- Remove the straw in the nest; take the SMALL GEAR (O).
- Take the AXE HANDLE (P) and CUP (Q).
- Use the CUP on the bowl; take the AXE HEAD (R).
- In Inventory; combine the AXE HEAD and AXE HANDLE to get an AXE.
- Back out and use the AXE on the door.
- Examine the wheelbarrow to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get KEROSENE.
- In Inventory; combine the KEROSENE and the EMPTY LANTERN to get a LANTERN.
- Back out.

- Take the HANGER (S).
- Head into the elderly man’s garage.
- Examine the door to trigger a mini game.
- Enter the code by using the numbers on the left of the keypad and the worn out keypad numbers (T).
- Solution: 7382461.

- A HOS will appear as soon as you open the locker.
- Find the items listed and get a WINDMILL SAIL.
- Head forward.

- Use the LANTERN on the car bumper to access a HOS.
- Use the lantern light to find the 12 traffic signs and take the WINDMILL SAIL.
- Back out twice.

- Examine the windmill.
- Place the LADDER on the base.
- Place the 6 WINDMILL SAILS and SCREWS on the top (U).
- Use the DRILL on the screws.
- Head into the elderly man’s bedroom.

- Examine the charger (V); place the UNCHARGED PHONE on the floor.
- Click on the charger cord to plug in the phone and take the PHONE.
- Back out three times.
- Give the PHONE to the elderly man and get an AMULET.
- Check the message on the phone above the hints.
- Back out and head forward.
- Place the AMULET in the first slot (W).
- Back out.
Chapter 2– Greed

- Head to the shop entrance.
- Examine the trash can to access a HOS.
- Find the items listed and get a BOLT CUTTER.
- Back out, head left twice to Chesterbrooks.

- Examine the gate (X).
- Use the BOLT CUTTER on the chain and enter.
- Move the radio (Y); take the BATTERY (Z).
- Head to the inside (A); ring the bell.
- Speak to Mrs. Chesterbrooks.
- Click on the deck of cards on the table to trigger a puzzle.

- Match the card that is on the top of the deck on the left to a card on the right (B).
- You will see the layout of the cards before they go face down.
- Back out and start again if you missed seeing them to get a new set.
- A new card will drop after each attempt but the layout on the right remains the same.
- This puzzle is random.

- Examine and open the cabinet.
- Take the SMALL GEAR (C).
- Examine the refrigerator (D) to trigger a puzzle.

- Rearrange the items in the fridge to free the sausage (E) under the milk.
- Items must be supported underneath in order to move them to a new location. See screenshot for one solution.
- Get a SAUSAGE.
- Back out to the porch.
- Examine the trunk to trigger a puzzle.

- Slide the bars on both sides to free the locks.
- See screenshot for solution. You will automatically enter a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get a DISC.
- Go to the shop entrance.
- Click to go inside the shop.
- Give the SAUSAGE to the dog and head inside.

- Approach and speak to the shopkeeper (F).
- Examine the cash register (G).
- Back out.
- Examine the sale bin (H) to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get a LARGE GEAR.
- Head straight to the next room and into the office.
- Examine the computer monitor to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get TAPE and a KEY.
- Back out.

- Head downstairs.
- Examine the door (I); use the KEY in the lock and turn.
- Take the MEDIUM GEAR (J).
- Back out.
- Examine the cabinet (K) to trigger a HOS.

- Find the items and get GLOVES.
- Go to the first room of the garage.

- Examine the bottom shelf to access a HOS.
- Find the items and get PLIERS.

- Go to the bridge.
- Examine the piles of sticks (L) to trigger a mini game.

- Find the matching pairs of sticks to remove them.
- See screenshot for solution.
- Back out.

- Examine the grate.
- Use the WOOD STICK in the grate; get a BUTTON (M).
- Head inside the shop.
- Approach the shopkeeper.
- Examine the cash register.

- Place the BUTTON on the register to trigger a puzzle.
- Enter the code by solving the math equations on the drawer.
- Press the green button to enter when complete, use the red button to erase a number.
- Solution: 9-3-0-2. See screenshot for solution.
- Take the DISC from the drawer.
- Back out and head into the office.

- Examine and place the 2 DISCS on the safe.
- Examine the bookshelf and note the code (O).
- Examine the safe to trigger a mini game (N).
- Set the correct code on the safe using the clue from the bookshelf .
- Solution: Inner ring – 30, middle ring – 10, outer ring – 80.

- Find the 12 coins.
- Take the MONEY.
- Go to the shopkeeper.
- Place the MONEY on the counter; get an AMULET.
- Read the message on the phone above the hints.
- Go to the altar.
- Place the AMULET in the middle left slot.
- Back out and head to the shop entrance.
Chapter 3 – Slothful

- Examine the power box on the left.
- Take the 5th SMALL GEAR (P).
- Go to the bridge.
- Examine the bridge pillar to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and get a SMALL GEAR and MAGNET.
- In Inventory, combine the MAGNET and ROPE to get a ROD.
- Examine the manhole cover.
- Click to open and trigger a puzzle.

- Place the 6 SMALL GEARS, 2 MEDIUM GEARS and LARGE GEAR on the pegs so that they all spin.
- See screenshot (Q) for solution.
- Head down.

- Examine the grate; use the ROD to get the KEY (R).
- Examine the fuse box.
- Use the KEY; turn and click to open.
- Take both of the FUSES (S).
- Head forward.

- Take the CROWBAR (T).
- Examine the lock (U) to trigger a puzzle.

- Click the arrows to complete the patterns.
- Do the bottom 2 and the top one to unlock the middle.
- See screenshot for solution (V).
- Head straight.

- Examine the lock panel.
- Use the CROWBAR on the panel to trigger a lock puzzle.
- The goal is to move the pins so they all are up.
- Moving one pin will move others.
- Solution: Click these pins all the way up; left pin, middle pin, 4th from left, 2nd from left.
- Exit the cell; head left.
- Speak to the man.
- Go to the front of the shop.

- Examine the garbage to access a HOS.
- Find the items listed and get a PICK AXE.
- Examine the power box.

- Use the GLOVES on the switch (W).
- Use the PLIERS and TAPE on the wires (X).
- Place the FUSES in the slots (Y).
- Use the GLOVES on the switch.
- Head to the front of the elderly mans residence.

- Examine the garbage pile to access a HOS.
- Find the items listed and get a DIAL.
- Enter the garage.

- Move the curtain; examine the shelves.
- Use the PICK AXE on the bricks; take the SPEAKER (Z).

- Go into the shop.
- Examine the sale bin to access a HOS.
- Find the items listed and get a BOX CUTTER and a FLASHLIGHT.

- Head straight and down into the basement.
- Flip the switch (A).

- Take the BROOM (B).
- Examine the box.
- Use the BOX CUTTER; click to open.
- Take the RECIPE BOOK (C).
- Back out.
- Use the BROOM on the door (D); click the latch.

- Go to the top of the stairs.
- Examine the herb display to trigger a HOS.
- Find the objects pictured and get HERBS and HEALING GRAINS.
- Go to Mrs. Chesterbrooks’s front porch.
- Speak to Mrs. Chesterbrook.
- Head inside.

- Examine the counter to access a HOS.
- Find the items listed and get a RECIPE PAGE.
- Head into the kitchen across from the elderly man’s residence.

- Examine under the sink to access a HOS.
- Find the items listed and get a SCREWDRIVER.
- Examine the counter on the right.

- Place the RECIPE BOOK and RECIPE PAGE on the stand (E).
- Use the JUG WITH WATER on the pan (F) to get a PAN WITH WATER.
- Place the PAN WITH WATER on the burner (H).
- Place the HERBS on the cutting board (G).
- Use the KNIFE on the HERBS to get CHOPPED HERBS.
- Place the HEALING GRAINS in the mortar and pestle (I) to get MILLED GRAINS.
- Place the MILLED GRAINS in the POT WITH WATER to get a PAN.
- Use the PAN on the cup; take the SLEEPING AID (J).

- Go into the Sheriff’s Office.
- Examine the desk; place the SLEEPING AID in the cup (K).
- Exit the cell.
- Examine the desk; take the PRISON CELL KEYS (L).
- Head left.
- Use the PRISON CELL KEYS on the lock (M); turn the keys twice to open.

- Speak to the prisoner; take the AMULET (N).
- Check the message on the cell phone.
- Go to the altar.
- Place the AMULET in the middle right slot (O).
Chapter 4 – Envy and Violence

- Head into the sheriff’s office in the jail.
- Examine the desk to access a HOS.
- Find the items listed and get a BALANCE DISH.

- Go into the basement of the shop.
- Place the BALANCE DISH on the scale (P) to trigger a puzzle.

- Arrange the boxes on the top shelf in order of weight by using the scale to deduce the weight.
- Place the heaviest on the left. See screenshot (Q) for solution.
- Get 5 DOLLS in inventory.
- Back out three times.
- Head left to the window display to trigger a puzzle.

- Place the 5 DOLLS in their correct window space based on the doll characteristics on the upper right. See screenshot for solution (R).
- Get a DOLL when complete.
- Head to the school entrance.

- Give the DOLL to the girl (S).
- Enter the school.
- Examine the fountain; take the COVER (T).
- Head left.

- Examine the news clipping and note the code (U).
- Examine the note (V).
- Examine the radio.
- Place the SPEAKER, BATTERY, COVER, DIAL and HANGER on the radio (W).
- Turn the DIAL until you get the RADIO.
- Remove the wallpaper (X).
- Examine the door; place the DOOR HANDLE on the door.
- Back out.

- Examine the locker; set the combination per the code on the news clipping.
- Solution: 593. See screenshot for solution (Y).

- Examine the opened locker to access a HOS.
- Find the items listed and get a KEY.
- Go into the Sheriff’s Office.

- Examine the mailbox.
- Use the KEY on the lock and turn to open.
- Take the LETTER (Z).
- Go to Chesterbrooks’ front porch.

- Give the letter to Mrs. Chesterbrooks (A).
- Get an AMULET.
- Read the message on the cell phone.
- Go to the altar.
- Place the AMULET on the upper right slot (B).
- Go into the school, left and straight.

- Examine the left door to access a HOS.
- Find the items listed.
- Get a CHAIR LEG.

- Examine the chair (C).
- Place the CHAIR LEG on the chair; click on it to upright it.
- Examine the window; place the RADIO on the ledge (D).
- Back out of the close-up and enter the room.

- Speak to the little girl.
- Examine the outlet.
- Use the SCREWDRIVER on the cover plate; take the RING (E).
- Go to the Sheriff’s office in the jail.

- Examine the globe.
- Use the RING on the slot; take the AMULET (F).
- Go to the altar.
- Place the AMULET on the bottom right slot.

- Head to the classroom in the school.
- Examine the cubby’s to access a HOS.
- Find the items listed and get a BIRD.
- Go inside Mrs. Chesterbrooks’s house.

- Examine the jewelry box.
- Place the BIRD on the box; take the PEARLS (G).
- Go back to the classroom inside the school.

- Give the PEARLS to the little girl.
- Take the AMULET (H).
- Go to the center town square.
- Pick up the AMULET (I).
- Head to the altar.

- Place the little girl’s heart AMULET in the bottom left slot (J).
- Place Amy’s AMULET in the center slot (K).
- Congratulations! You have successfully completed Resurrection: New Mexico Standard Edition.