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A Look at the Consequences of Stress

The are many reasons for stress in the lives of people, but how much it affects them, is almost totally the result of what kind of response they have to the stress. Controlling the reactions to stress have become more important with the facts coming out about how detrimental stress is to the health of the human body. Since we all have stress in our lives, let’s look at what some of the effects of that stress are.

Some people handle stress by keeping it to themselves, while others become aggressive. No matter which of these two reactions you have, both responses will be bad for your health.

Blowing up, or ending up with an ulcer, are the two results that usually happen with people who bottle everything up inside. There are many different personality types, but people who are Type A like to take their stress out on others, by yelling and by blaming. Learning how to reduce stress, rather than lashing out, or holding it in, is the best approach, but this can be difficult because of individual temperament. We usually consider stress to be something negative, and most of the time it is. It’s worth noting, however, that not all stress is bad, and we even need a certain amount of it to keep life interesting. People often find risky and dangerous activities stimulating, which is why extreme sports are so popular. Of course, in these situations, we choose to experience the stress and we interpret it as fun or excitement. When we have no say in the matter, it feels more like stress, which is a clue that stress is closely related to feelings of being out of control. It’s sometimes possible to focus on what’s stimulating about a stressful situation to transform it into a feeling of excitement.

Without a healthy functioning immune system, the body has a greater chance of disease, and researchers have discovered that stress harms the immune system. People who are under the most stress, are the same people who experience the greatest amount of health problems, like more colds, digestive problems and headaches.

Being overworked usually makes a person feel rundown, and susceptible for some sickness, and stressful situations do the same thing. You probably don’t get a cold, every time you are around others who have colds, and that is because your resistance is up, but it might be a different story when stress has lowered your resistance. That’s why reducing stress can make you less vulnerable to many everyday ailments.

The potential consequences of health becomes a larger list all of the time, as more is learned about the results of stress. Doctors and scientists have a lot of disagreements about the consequences of stress, but it seems pretty clear that the effects on health are serious and long-term. Stress is one of those things that seems to cause nothing but problems, so why not get rid of it. A stress-free life is not only more enjoyable, but probably longer lasting as well.

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