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No More Room in Hell. Close and Personal. - AlterGamer

No More Room in Hell. Close and Personal.

When all the guns fall silent, and there is no supply drop in sight, you take out whatever weapon you reserved yourself for an emergency, and cave in some skulls. Melee weapons are, by far, the most numerous weapon category in No More Room in Hell. You have a wide range of construction tools, as well as a few improvised weapons, with a “cream” of murder-inclined accessories. I warn ahead, this is going to be the longest guide about No More Room in Hell weapons, so I designed a handy Table summarizing all the weapons as briefly as possible, in case you are in a hurry.

This article is a part of our series of No More Room in Hell guides.

No More Room in Hell

In case one weapon doesn’t cut it, you have something to bash and chop your way through the undead hordes.

No More Room in Hell. Close and Personal.

Melee weapons come in many shapes and sizes. You could be using a flashlight, or a sledgehammer. All melee weapons use up your stamina. Each swing, whether it hit or not, will drain some of it. As you pummel away at zombie skulls you will hear your character breathing louder, and louder. Eventually this could mean that you will be unable to take another swing until some of your stamina regenerates. Certain weapons appear to drain your stamina quicker than others. It should be noted that a more powerful swing will drain a larger portion of your stamina.

Weapon NameOne-Handed/Two-Handed?One-hit kill?Overall Score Baseball BatTwo-HandedYes8/10 ChainsawTwo-HandedNo10/10 CrowbarOne-HandedYes7/10 Fire AxeTwo-HandedYes7/10 Fire ExtinguisherTwo-HandedNo3/10 Fists (No Weapon)N/ANo3/10 (Building) HammerTwo-HandedYes7/10 HatchetOne-HandedYes8/10 Lead PipeTwo-HandedYes7/10 MacheteOne-HandedYes10/10 MagliteOne-HandedNo1/10 Pipe WrenchTwo-HandedYes6/10 SKS-BayonetTwo-HandedYes10/10 SledgehammerTwo-HandedYes9/10 SpadeTwo-HandedYes7/10 WelderTwo-HandedYes5/10

There are two types of weapons. One-handed and two-handed. It might be surprising that certain one-handed weapons are as effective as certain two-handed weapons, but those players with plenty of experience will know which blade or blunt object to pick up first, and you might be stuck with the more clumsy weapons. One-handed weapons can be used together with a flashlight, making fighting in dark and claustrophobic locations much easier, or at least less scary.

Another important note. A lot of the melee weapons have a far longer range than it appears. When using your flashlight, fists, or SKS-Bayonet you will be able to wound and kill zombies before the zombies themselves can hit back. Beginners will often run up to zombies, resulting in dead survivors and lost equipment. Practice on the zombies with whichever melee weapons you like and you will soon find that you can safely kill them, if you keep a short distance. In case the zombies get too close press V. This way you will push the zombie(s) back. This will stop a zombie grapple and provide you with some breathing space and time to react.

Baseball Bat

The B-Bat, in the days before the apocalypse, was used to deflect flying projectiles called baseballs, in order to score points. Today, these wooden or metal sport instruments are effective skull-smashing tools. In No More Room in Hell the B-Bat is one of my personal favorites, since it appears to drain less stamina than other weapons, while also allowing a skilled player to deliver quick head-kills with powered swings. Sadly, you cannot propel a zombie back with a well placed swing.

No More Room in Hell. Close and Personal.


The single most powerful anti-zombie weapon you could get your hands on, provided you have some fuel for it. When turned on, the chainsaw will mow down zombies with incredible ease, allowing you to clear a tightly packed zombie room while using only a single fuel can (100 units). Currently (v. 1.04) the chainsaw can be “reloaded” instantly, without the need for any animation. This means that, technically, you can go on a near endless rampage, as long as you have some extra fuel. Also, aim for the head. You can quickly rip apart bodies, but by slicing away zombie heads you will save both time and fuel.

The problem with the chainsaw is the prestige associated with using it, as well as the need to plan its use properly. Due to its destructive nature it should be used for emergencies, when clearing out a huge wave and you are the last survivors. I had rounds when I had to kill off 20-30 zombies so that my team could respawn, before the next wave appeared. Without the chainsaw it would be near impossible. Some might use the chainsaw much earlier on, wasting the fuel on a single or few zombies. If you are playing with people you know, make sure the chainsaw is kept somewhere safe.  There will rarely be more than one chainsaw per map, so fuel shortages should not be a problem, if the chainsaw is not used constantly.


Known well from the Half-Life series, it lives up, in part, to its reputation in No More Room in Hell. It is comparable to a well used Hammer, with the main difference that it is a one-handed weapon. Although the crowbar is not nearly as powerful as the machete, it is a weapon that will serve you well, as long as you know how to use it. You can combine it with a flashlight, in order to explore darker areas.

Fire Axe

I like axes, mostly because they are great weapons in Fantasy/RPG games. Against zombies axes are also good weapons, and in No More Room in Hell the Fire Axe is useful. I had rounds where, together with the Axe, I stood outside and killed off countless zombies, without receiving a scratch. The main condition which has to be fulfilled is accuracy. If you fail to hit a zombie’s head the first time it might take you a long while to finish it off. The Fire Axe is a good weapon when protecting barricades or entrances, since you can stop zombies mildly efficiently.

Fire Extinguisher

One of the three “improvised” weapons in No More Room in Hell. The Fire Extinguisher can be found in the wilds as well as in supply drops. It is bulky, and for myself, very hard to use. Although it appears to be on equal grounds with the welder in terms of effectiveness, this is what I consider one of the worst weapons in No More Room in Hell. It might become an objective item in the future, but currently I find little to no combat use for it.


The hammer has two uses. Firstly, it can be used to construct barricades, in doorways and some windows. Secondly, it can be used as a close combat weapon. The hammer when used properly is as effective as the crowbar. You can deliver one-hit-kills, but you have to get a bit of practice and learn where the “centre” is, and where to aim at the zombies. A lot of people who focus on barricade duty use hammers as their weapons of choice when zombies get inside a safe zone. It is an adequate weapon, and there will usually be plenty of them about, sooner or later.


Playing cowboys and indians? Time to collect some zombie scalps then. The Hatchet is a One-handed mini-axe, with good damage output. As you can see in the Video below, the Hatchet is a weapon capable of taking out zombies with a single hit, or a sequence of quick attacks. Even though the animation without the flashlight suggests that it is a two-handed weapon, with a flashlight equipped you will use only one hand.

No More Room in Hell. Close and Personal.

Lead Pipe

The Lead Pipe might not be an elegant weapon, but it is mildly effective. On the level of the crowbar, it makes for a good choice if no “top” weapon is available. Often it will be ignored by other players because of its “pathetic looks”. Don’t be fooled though. With the pipe in your hand you can kill many a zombie.


The machete is considered one of the best melee weapons in the game. Not only does it rarely tire you out, but it is also very efficient. Killing zombies in full swing, or with a few quicker swings will dispatch a single or a group of zombies in mere seconds (if not less). The machetes size allows you to use it together with a Maglite, making it a good weapon for encounters in dark locations. When protecting an entry way it is a good substitute for guns, since you will have an easy time hitting rows of heads. Because it is a small weapon you can also carry a bigger firearm with you. I had my moments of being a “machete-sniper”.

The only real problem with the machete is its popularity. A lot of people like the machete, and you have to be quick to get one.


It’s main purpose is providing light, whether you are still looking for a weapon, or when you are fighting zombies in the dark. Theoretically, it could be used as a weapon, but I do not recommend it, at all. Any other weapon is better than using the Maglite. It is more than likely that you missed a pipe, hatchet or similar weapon along the way. Go pick it up, don’t bother with using the Maglite alone.

It has to be noted here that you need the Maglite in your inventory in order to have light. Press F in order to bring it out, whether you have a weapon, or none at all. The Maglite can only be used together with certain weapons (one-handed melee weapons and pistols).

Pipe Wrench

The wrench is one of those weapons you will see often, and rarely pick up. There are so many prettier weapons about, why pick up something so horrid? The main reason is that it appears to be only slightly worse than the lead pipe/crowbar. With accurate hits you can dispatch zombies, or at least keep them occupied while your friends mow them down with their guns or melee weapons. Its main two weaknesses is that it is two-handed, and how the “long swing” looks. The two arms on both sides of your screen narrow down your vision to only your target, possibly costing you your life when you fail to spot the zombie to your left or right.


Although the SKS is a rifle, I would wish to point to the pointy bit, the bayonet. The bayonet on the SKS is one of the deadliest weapons you could get your hands on. If your stamina is full and you prod a zombie in the head you will see it flying off into the distance, headless. It is an incredibly efficient weapon, as long as you have the stamina to keep on using it. As you can see in the video it did not take much for me to run out of steam. You have to keep an ear open for when your breathing peaks, and regain some stamina.

Unlike all the other firearms currently available (v. 1.04) the SKS is the only rifle that is not thrown away after its ammo is depleted, due to the bayonet. If you ever find an SKS and run out of bullets you continue to have a murderous weapon in your hands, up until you get some bullets. Then it becomes a very good short to long-range rifle.


In case you did not get tired of the “Stop, Hammer time” jokes, now you have a tool to keep them strong. The Sledgehammer is (possibly) the strongest two-handed weapon in No More Room in Hell. Although from my experience the “Long Swing” is inaccurate in my hands, quick swings do the job just fine. Remember to aim for the head, and keep swinging.

Among players I rarely see the Sledgehammer being used. Its size means bigger guns cannot be carried, and you should have no problem finding one, when in need. If you are smart with it, you might as well forget there are guns in No More Room in Hell.


Among the two-handed weapons, the Spade is a decent choice for a weapon. It is not nearly as deadly as the Sledgehammer, but with an accurate swing to the head you will have no problem killing off single zombies. Together with the Fire Axe, the Spade was one of my most successful weapons when used against hordes of zombies. Hit-and-run the group that is following you around, and while your team will be wondering where all the zombies went, you will be creating a graveyard.


An objective item which can be used as a weapon. I rarely use it, because it rarely spawns in the environment, and only on occasion comes in with a Supply Drop. Unless you are unlucky, or feeling adventurous, I do not recommend using the welder. It is mildly good at taking out zombies, if you have the patience for it, but other weapons are more efficient or quicker. On the other hand, practicing with the welder will allow you to survive Objective maps a lot better than previously. Especially if you are the guy on welder duty.


Most of the melee weapons you find can efficiently dispatch zombies. As mentioned before you have to aim for the zombie’s head, and in some cases make a “powered” swing, instead of a regular one. With the wide range of weapons you are never left defenseless, although it is true, some weapons are better than others. Do not cry though if you fail to get your machete or sledgehammer. There are many other good weapons. Meanwhile, if you want to check out the rest of our Weapon guides for No More Room in Hell.