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Avatarbook - Facebook Meets Online Gaming.

InfoBox OFF  For those of you who dont know, the Sims Online is ability a revolution. Accepting been larboard continuing for the endure few years with little to no input, EA are at endure re-shaping the game, and the apple of multiplayer gaming as we understand it. Complete like hyperbole? Perhaps, conceivably not; analysis out their latest accession to the Online gaming experience: AvatarBook.

Facebook create flesh

So what is Avatarbook? Well, the clue is in the name. What is one of the better amusing networking websites on the planet at the moment? Thats appropriate - Facebook. With over 58 actor users, Facebook is the primary cause that some of us log on in the morning. But, as we all know, it has its limitations. As do Online games.

One problem with Online amateur is that they can be too afar from absoluteness - you accept your Online friends, and your real-world friends, and the two abide durably divided. Akin Facebook - your user-circle is bound by who you already know, and its harder to get to understand humans alfresco of that amphitheater on a one-to-one base after administration all your clandestine data or getting alien by a acquaintance of a friend.

All that is set to change, with a new appliance that could change our networking association forever. If Linden Labs create Linden Dollars (the bill of the badly accepted bold Additional Life) changeable for real-world currency, they opened up the apple of Online gaming by bringing it into the absolute world. Now EA wish to do the aforementioned thing, by acceptance users of the Sims Online to hotlink their Avatars ' accounts to their Facebook profiles.

Sharing Information

Avatarbook has two faces -- the in-game adaptation and the Facebook version. In-game you can use it abundant like Facebook, in that you can acquisition additional Avatars and appearance their bound profiles. For accompany the abounding profiles are visible, with walls for humans to address on and updatable status. Your contour will aswell appearance if your lot is accessible or not, and the appliance an be acclimated to bound create your way about EA Acreage as you jump from acquaintance to friend.

In Facebook, the appliance shows your Avatar ' s data (unless you accept called a clandestine setting) and picture, and whether or not you are logged on to the game. This is a advantageous way for players to acquisition out who is Online after accepting to log in themselves. You can aswell allure additional users of Facebook who are not already Sims Online players to download the appliance and see your Avatar contour -- a move that EA hopes will allure added humans to the game.

For the time being, then, the aggregate of advice that can be aggregate is Avatar-related. Their skills, backdrop and accompany can all be viewed, and their Wall. The character of the real-life being abaft the Avatar is kept private, at atomic for now.


Privacy is a above affair as far as EA are concerned, so at the moment Avatarbook is adequately bound in how abundant advice can be shared. In the Sims bold you can add humans to your accompany list, which will accommodate them with a hotlink to your Facebook contour rather than authoritative a absolute link, admitting that is set to change as the appliance grows. Also, cipher in EA Acreage (the Sims Online apple area the appliance will be available) will accept admission to your absolute name - you will be searchable alone by your Avatar ' s name. EA accept declared that they intend to acquiesce players to lower their aloofness settings so that added advice can be shared, but at the moment they ' re arena it safe.

The Future

This appliance acutely shows abundant potential, and it is something that EA are traveling to abide to advance as they accretion acknowledgment from users. The Sims Online bold is traveling through a anarchy at the moment, with their chargeless balloon set to become abiding chargeless play in the actual abreast approaching (with bound gameplay for non-payers, abundant like in Additional Life). For years now Additional Activity has been arch the backpack in agreement of addition and amusing interactivity, but if EA keeps this up then we could be searching at a new adversary for the crown. Afterwards all, they did appear up with the two alotof accepted amateur of all time (Sims and Sims 2), so some would say that this is beneath of a abruptness than a belated homecoming. Absolutely one to watch, at any rate.