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The most popular slot machine games

Slot games have the most outrageous themes sometimes: this is what makes players stick around and try out the newest games fresh out of the oven. Software companies that develop these types of games know that their public may range from their early twenties all the way to their 60’s and 70’s, therefore, there needs to be a wide range of themes covered when it comes to thematic slot machine games for virtual and actual land based casinos.

Whenever these machines are created, the themes are carefully thought out and studied through focus groups, marketing research and even psychological studies which take place in order to pinpoint what exactly will ‘click’ in the customers’ minds and provide a formidable gaming experience for those involved. All the work behind these games does pay off in the end as it turns out thematic slot games vs. classic slot machines are much more popular and have a higher traffic and activity in both off and online casinos. This is demonstrated through statistics revealed in the past decade that put thematic slot machine games at a clear advantage, against any other game in the casino.

The most popular slot machines include epic themes based on heroes from mythological stories, themes related to wars, famous battles, historic characters or civilizations, or even historic events of worldwide repercussion. There are also those with funny or silly images mimicking cartoons, pop culture icons and references, those based after music and TV celebrities and obviously, a good part of these themes are devoted to stereotypes: the cowboy, the rocker, the rich mogul, the bully, the beautiful Jessica Rabbit-like-lady, the gentleman, etc.

Graphics are created in order to stick to the actual theme as closely as possible. With top notch design technology available to this industry, games have quickly obtained a well needed makeover and images are definitely crisper, much more realistic and very well executed. This plays a big part in creating a more realistic experience for players who want to be blown away with a fun animation whenever they hit a random jackpot feature for example and so far, customers have not been disappointed by most of these software development firms and their real life-like images and sounds, which by the way, also bring value to the experience.

Want to know which is the most popular slot game theme of all times? Cleopatra Slots. The queen of beauty and wealth who lived thousands of years ago and ruled Egypt until her self-inflicted death has remained popular ever since and the fascination with her character seems to be a never ending tale. The Cleopatra Slots machine game has raked in literally millions of dollars for off and online casinos all over the world, but even more has been the amount of money that avid players have been able to squeeze out of the most popular slot machine game theme of all times.