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The Resurgence of Board Games For Adults

Board games were originally quite popular among adults in the 1970s and are experiencing a renewed interest in the past decade, especially those in their 20s and 30s. Board games are popular items at parties, especially when there are large groups of people present. And with all the interesting new board games available, there's no shortage of fun to be had.

The most popular new board game for adults is Cranium. First made popular being sold in Starbucks Cranium is a great game that combines several different genres of games. You basically have word games, charades, Pictionary, and spelling bees all combined into one. It's played in teams and gives players with different types of skills a chance to participate. You are guaranteed a good time with this game.

Whenever you have a large group of people in a party, Taboo is a game that can be played easily. This decades old game is a great icebreaker and is very easy to play. This game entails getting your team to guess a particular word without saying several key words that would easily tip them off. Its ease of playing without any requirement of props makes Taboo one amongst the best sellers.

In recent years another game of the 1980s that is interesting people is Balderdash. In this game, everyone is given an extremely obscure word and they are asked to conjure a definition for it. One person then tries to guess what the real definition is - this generally proves to be quite difficult. This game is popular as it allows everyone to be creative and the interest is generated by the weird definitions people come up with.

Twister is a game with a long history that people still love to play. This game involves putting your body in some compromising positions, so it's a good idea to be good friends or know the people you're playing with very well. Twister is ideal for a group of four friends.

Trivial Pursuit is fun game for a group of intellectuals. There are many different versions of Trivial Pursuit, the newest being the 1990s version. If you grew up during this time the pop culture should be a fun blast from the past. Younger generations probably won't enjoy the older versions of this game.

Another popular past time at parties are drinking games. Many of these drinking games can be played easily with just a deck of cards or pair of dice. However, drinking board games that were very popular back in the 1960s and 1970s are slowly catching on and this has prompted game companies to re-launch them with gusto. The latest game available in the market is called 'I Never'. This game allows you to find out facts about your friends that you never would have known while at the same time enjoy a few drinks. Since you end up drinking a lot at such parties, it is better to either have a driver or to spend the night at a friends pad.

Games aren't just for kid's parties, adults enjoy board, card, and dice games as well. They are a great icebreaker if everyone doesn't know each other, or a fun activity to break up the evening. Check out your local games store for the games mentioned above or for a huge selection of games you may even recognize from when you were a kid.