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Seven Slayer Masks Coming To Treasure Hunter

Today, seven new slayers masks are coming to Runescape Treasure Hunter. You are able to get these new masks from 00:00 UTC on the 30th of July to 23:59 UTC on the 3rd of August.

Once you get them and fighting their matching monsters, these masks will give a damage boost, extra XP, additional drops and more. As a bonus, anyone who opens the Treasure Hunter chests between the above times gets a troll slayer mask immediately.

New slayer masks are up for grabs, styled after the following enemies: Dagannoths, Ganodermic runts and beasts, Automatons, Airut, Black demons and Aquanites. With the exception of troll mask, which is wearable at any level, all of the above masks are hybrid armour requiring 55 Defence.

All seven masks have the following benefits.

1. Additional Slayer XP when killing the related creature. This is given whether or not you're on assignment for the creature in question.

2. Extra drops every 10 kills-not including effigies or clue scolls, but including charms.

3. Increased damage and accuracy against its related creature, while on slayer assignment for it.

4. After a set number of kills, the mask will turn into a visually improved helm version. It is possible to switch back to the mask if you prefer its appearance. However, from this point, the helm/mask will no longer give the additional XP, combat benefits and extra drops. All other benefits remain.

5. Two teleports per day to an area where its related creature can be found.

6. The ability to guarantee a Slayer assignment for its related creature-once a day for the troll mask, and once every three days for the others.

So are you ready for this?

Others, it's international Tiger day on July 29th. To celebrate it, Runescape brought you a special podcast, produced a charity live stream, and have loads of great big cat-related competition to take part in-in which you can win some cuddly soft-top companions.

Enjoy your RuneScape gold weekends in Runescape.

Runelabs idea from Solanumtinkr, the guild of you. It seems to be interesting. We are not giving you the amazing ideas, but also collecting your suggestions for these ideas.

The Guild of you. For years, Sir Amik Varze seems to have been trying to undermine and remove The Crown Prince of Asganria from the throne by sneaky means. In this scenario Sir Amik will succeed but the Prince will have left instructions what to do in the event of his death to thwart this rogue Knights plans.

That is to make the outrageous claim you, The Adventurer, are his sibling and heir to the throne and convince Sir Amik to come after you next. This is where a quest would come in obviously and at the end Burthorpe castle becomes the Guild Headquarters for you to do up as you will.

While you might not get to level Falador, this would be a civil war with the length dictated by Jagex, it could run as a background to The Guild of You. The quest could see old allies turn against you regardless of your alignment and old enemies could become allies, that is until the Buy RuneScape gold conclusion. Maybe unlike the past attempts you could make a cross philisophy Guild work?