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Passing Time with a Simple Deck of Cards

A favorite past time for many people when they are within a group and bored out of their minds is a game of cards. Yeah, a simple plain fifty two deck of standard cards can alleviate the boredom and make the boring a bit more interesting. Strange isn't it? They are just pieces of paper but everyone there are many things you can do with a deck of cards.
Maybe it began when we were young. I remember the first game I played as a child was gold fish. Now mind you there are two different types of gold fish that I can remember. One version was that you had to place an entire deck of cards either a normal fifty two deck or one specifically made for the game face down and then play a game of chance and memorization. Flip one card over and see if the other is a match, if so you get points and get to go again. If not, then you put them back and the next person takes their turn.

The second version of gold fish is the one where you shuffle the cards and split them to the rest of the players equally. Then each player asks one other player at a time and picks a card randomly from their deck without knowing what the card is. If the card they picked manages to become a pair with another card in their hand then they get to discard it if not then they just added another card to their hand with the goal of the winner to be the one with no more cards remaining in their hand.

As simple and quite dull the explanation of the game can be, I find it amazing that people of all ages can play this game and somehow find it enjoyable. Then again, more people don抰 play this game rather they play games that are more tended to the mature side such as Texas and other games where some kind of exchange can be involved usually something of value such as currency.

Personally to me, playing a game of cards is boring but I still do play it once in a while because it can for a short duration bring back some excitement during a boring time of my life such as while studying, doing work and other dull tasks. I'll find myself solitaire or with the newest addition to Vista Ultimate from Microsoft the Texas game they have added. If not I find myself at Yahoo games and other sites playing other kinds of card games that they have available to remove the boredom of doing nothing for hours on end.

But this isn't just me. Many other people from different ethnicity, age, culture and other differences that make each and every one of us unique also have buried themselves for hours and hours playing all sorts of games that you can play with a simple deck of cards. But don't just take my word for it. Why don't you go and give it a try? Who knows what the future holds? Who knows what chance might have in store for you?