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Benefits of Playing Dog Games at the Office

Are you a dog lover? If you are, then you know better than anyone that our furry canine friends make it easy to love them. In fact, many people who own a dog treat them like just another family member.

And why not?

They love you unconditionally. They don't require constant attention (though they certainly appreciate it). They are the best animals for you and your children (if you have any). And for all the single people ?well, they are a great way of meeting Mister or Miss Right with a simple stroll in the park.

For all you dog lovers out there, who find yourself chained to a computer at work all day, playing free dog games online is a great way to indulge your affection for these animals while also passing the downtime. Here are four benefits of playing free dog games at the office:

Test your response time. Playing free dog games at the office can actually help improve your response time. Part of this comes from the fast-paced challenge of games such as Dog Police, which require you to maneuver through traffic in an effort to catch the Dog Catcher and release the doggies before they end up at the pound. And, of course, part of it comes from fear of getting spotted by your boss or the office snitch.

Think quickly. Free dog games such as I Lost My Puppy! require you to think quickly when it comes to meeting the objective of the game, which in this case is to click the right dog that matches your missing pet picture. It is not as easy as it sounds when you have only 20 seconds to do so, a wide selection of mutts that confuse the selection, and the ever-present fear of being noticed on a free dog games website. The good news, however, and one that your boss doesn't want to admit, is that the mere act of challenging your mind to think fast and make wise decisions in the confines of the game, will lead to you doing the same on the job.

Give yourself something to look forward to. Every job has those chores you just don't want to do. One of the best ways of actually getting you to do them ?and do them well ?is to break up your day with periods of downtime where you allow your mind to indulge in the things that interest you instead of the things you have to do. Consider it refilling the tank. Just try to avoid letting your boss or that pesky office snitch mentioned above ever find out about it.

Be close to your pets even when you are putting in a full day at the office. While Fido is waiting on you to get home, you can, by playing free dog games online, keep him in your thoughts and stoke the excitement of getting home to him when the time comes to go home.

Playing free dog games online is clearly a great way for pet lovers and game lovers to pass the time at work. But they can also make you more productive. Just try them and you will see. Before long, you will be a more active and responsible worker, and your boss will never know the difference!