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Kids Need More Than Just Video Games!

It is so important for parents to really understand that their children need so much more than just sitting in front of their television sets playing video games. Not all video games are bad and it is ok for your kids to play them, just not all of the time. It is so very unhealthy to allow them to sit for hours just playing their favorite video games. There are so many other important things that your kids need to be enjoying besides just that. They definitely need more exercise, they need more mom and dad time, they need to learn how to interact with other children so that their social skills can improve and grow. You need to really think about what you are allowing your children to do so that you do not end up with an overweight, zoned out, anti social child of your own. It can happen if you do not give them more fun and exciting opportunities. They are young and very impressionable and if you allow this for too long, they will not know what else to do for fun and entertainment, they will become addicted before you even realize it and it will be all that you can do to even make them come join the rest of the family to eat dinner each evening.

Your child needs you, as their parent, to help teach them how to be responsible, healthy, active and happy, along with a million other things. They are your responsibility and they need for you to take the time out of your busy schedule to give them that attention that they crave for and interact with them as often as possible. It is crucial that you do this for your children so that they can have the opportunity to turn out to be very responsible, healthy, happy adults. They depend on you for everything and if you do not give them what they need when they are young, then they will not have the ability to be as strong and go through life as efficiently because of it. You need to start today, making more opportunities for you and your children so that you all can enjoy one another's company and grow stronger, together than ever before. There are so many things that you can do with your children for fun besides just sticking them in front of a video game so that you can clean house or play on the computer.

I am not saying that all video games are bad, let your kids enjoy them, sometimes. Just do not make it something that they do every single day, all day, in order to stay out of your hair. Many people do this and it does eventually cause problems for them and their children. Take them to the park, let them exercise and feel like kids. Go for a walk with them or bike riding, they will absolutely love that! If you do these things with your children it will teach them about life and give them a better chance at learning how to have fun and be healthier thanks to exercise.